How to Appreciate Death Metal

My point is that neither statement is purely positive or negative and rests on the way in which the proposition is framed, and because it is generally regarded as a fact that Black Sabbath is Metal and, in fact, the first Metal band, the burden of proof is on you.
Not purely postivie? Black fucking Sabbath is metal seems rather positive to me. lol Anyway I will state again that I believe metal came from a collection of sounds, bands, not anyone band, and certainly not BS. Nor do I consider any proto-metal band to actually be metal. My position. :)
Not purely postivie? Black fucking Sabbath is metal seems rather positive to me. lol Anyway I will state again that I believe metal came from a collection of sounds, bands, not anyone band, and certainly not BS. Nor do I consider any proto-metal band to actually be metal. My position. :)

And my question to you again would be... if Sabbath isn't the first full fledged metal band then who is? And what determines what a metal band is in the first place?
Explain how they're not?


As I explained, simply because they lack key elements that are nessacary for metal. I'm still waiting for someoen to explain how they are in fact metal.....and for every other band in the field of blues based rock on how they too are metal.
Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Sure it has roots in blues-rock and psychedelic rock but the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, heavy, guitar(Iommi)and drums centered sound characterized by highly amplified distortion and fast guitar solos. All music declares, Of all rock and roll's myriad forms, heavy metal is the most extreme in terms of volume, machismo, and theatricality. Black Sabbath IS Metal.
I don't mean to under cut ya, Jimmy, but is that from the wiki? Also I didn't find BS' solo fast at all, most metal we've bouncing around has more the Blackmore solos than anything else.
It has some metal chug riffs, albeit simple ones, but it also has the blues box in the bridge and solo sections as well. Blues is not common in metal, it exists....but it's near extinction. That's why I label them proto metal.
In case I am not on tomorrow it was nice chatting with you Necuratual :)
This arguement is fucking stupid. Vacant Planets make a legit point and provide legit proof before saying anything. You are clearly are a fool who can't handle being wrong and have finally spiralled down to looking like a complete dumbass. STFU!
LOL, dude it was long over and I did provide proof, such as the bride interlude and solo sections of SotU containing the blues box, along with all of their other songs.

But that was just you wanting to add your 2 cents. lol Pathetic.