How to post off 5 people that spend thier lives on a message board

Wow...we have a king? When did this happen?

Thats a dangerous job, you realize how many vikings are on this board? :D
HAH! MY kingdom fears not of Vikings. PEASANTS! RAISE THE DRAW BRIDGE!
Will Bozarth said:
people think he sucks at being serious. i think everyone here sucks for not realizing he ISN'T serious.

This board has always had a weakness for second-rate trolling, that's why it's done here. Some people are nerdy little dipshits in real life and don't even have the IQ to be a quality troll on the internet either, as in this case..

C'mon Tempest, choose quality over quantity. Or how about picking up "Idiots Guide to Trolling".. or is that one a bit over your reading level?
*hands chrome a royal tampon*

Not everyone's a nerdy little dipshit. some are silly crossdressing dipshits, some are filthy vikings (from what I hear), some are mighty metal warriors, and some are meager peasents. As for me, I am royalty.

About the board tho.. seriously, a message board is only as good as the people who post in it. This board seems to be full of random junk, but you know what? it's all fun stuff. I realized before this post that part of this community is the whole "lets goof off and have a good time" By now you realized that my bitching about Nevermore content was BS, I mearly wanted something to bitch about that would be entertaining to me and possibly others. And I respect that most of you came at me right away with an attitude that "we are a community of friends." And Obviously there will not be new news for Nevermore each and everyday, or even close to enough information to fill a forum with.

I'm just here to join in on the fun. So please, dont take me seriouse, unless I order you to. In which case you shall take me seriously or I shall take your head.
Tempest said:
1. Make fun of their lame threads.
2. Point out the fact that they post 10+ times a day, usualy no more than a sentence, commenting on a comment that was originally left for an actual idea.
3. Also point out the fact that none of their posts are realavent to anything.
4. Tell them that their signature sucks.
6. Remind them that they are on the internet. Sometimes forum posters forget that they are on a computer that connects to the information superhighway. Make sure you let them know before their head gets too big.
7. Tell Will that Distorted Mind Sucks.

And if all else fails, you can always call them a homosexual in any way possible, because that is the Mother of all insults on the Internet.
8. Point out that they like fish.