How was your day?

Sounds like derivative torture.

No, this is derivative torture:

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Today was pretty cool. Hot as all fuck though. (35 degrees, convert it.)

Picked up some cassettes, cheap ones. Also, I have to namedrop @Omni for posting Riot a bunch of times which made me make a mental note to pick up a CD of theirs, which I did today finally.

Also picked up a cheap copy of The Simpsons season 2 on dvd. Commence beers and air-conditioning.
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I've never gotten into Star Wars. I guess I'm just one of those "Star Trek is way better" nerds. One of those people.
Rock City is pretty great so far, so I can't agree at all. Also it's the only CD they had.

I've never gotten into Star Wars. I guess I'm just one of those "Star Trek is way better" nerds. One of those people.

Do you prefer the Star Trek films over the Star Wars films or are we comparing television series with films here?
Just the franchises as a whole tbh. I just find Star Trek much more thought-provoking and intellectual, although admittedly some of the movies aren't much moreso than the Star Wars movies.

I don't DISLIKE Star Wars. I'd watch it if someone else put it on. But I wouldn't willingly do so myself.
I enjoy the Star Wars books and the original trilogy, plus the Christmas special but I will admit that Star Trek as an overall franchise is much more consistent in quality.
Part of what I like about Star Trek too is that (at least with the TV series) a lot of the episodes are basically moral lessons wrapped up in a sci-fi package. It was very progressive and forward-thinking for its time, tackling stuff like racism, sexual orientation, etc.
Started the afternoon with some Star Wars Battlefront and capped the evening off by watching The Force Awakens. Overall good day!

I saw The Force Awakens today too. Oh my god what a movie. In one fell swoop the entire crappy prequel trilogy has been wiped out and they're back on track. I was HUGELY impressed by Star Wars VII The Force Awakens. Great plot, wonderful and realistic effects (not like the cartoonish crap from the prequels) and amazing acting from everyone - no sign of lame duck blonde kids, teenagers and Jar Jar Binks. And the return of the old characters was sensational.

And I'll tell you exactly why it was great movie, because George Lucas wasn't allowed anywhere near it.
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