I enjoy Opeth more when I am smoking pot

In response to the beginning theme of this thread, I agree that some things seem to be better while one is stoned....

However, I have recently come to realize that weed doesn't make things all that much better. When I return to a sober state, I often don't remember what took place during the high, and it's almost as if I lost time which I could have used in a more satisfactory way.

So, although it was interesting to try weed, I believe that its effects are somewhat over-rated. After weighing out all of the options, weed just doesn't seem to be worth it... but it is nice every now and then. :)
Kenneth R. said:
I do not often get angry but I am getting sick of arguing with fucking morons and fanboys. :heh:

i'm ok. really. :Saint:

If you are sick of arguing, then simply stop arguing. I believe you started picking apart everything I said in the first place, and then moved on to other victims.
Hello everyone,
I havent been reading every page so i dont know where the thread is at, but i just wanted to say that all of Damnation sounds unbelievably incredible when im high. for that matter all opeth sound way cooler, its like i can pick out all the specific instruments better. Anyway, just thought id throw in my little opinion, Rock On All Opethians!

Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 100 By Dream Theater do you mean Dream Theatre or Dreem Feeatur?

no, i think he really does mean dream theater
Stop being so arrogant man. You keep talking about having the right of an opinion and meanwhile you have bashed or insulted a bunch of other members opinions. First of all did you ever think that your <<solid>> conclusion about smoking is made up from scientific facts about the human body? Furthermore mathematics (not probability theory...) are in big part completely proven.I agree that in most cases maybe maths dont relate to real life, but applied mathematics exist in every sience and most of them are much more than random predictions of an outcome.

YG1:Are you in city university because i thought i saw you there (assuming you are the guy in the picture).

YG2: Dont post a list of my mistakes, i dont care if my english are bad.

YG3: I'm not trying to insult you i just could not keep on reading the thread without posting these thoughts.
1. Probability *is* math.
2. I don't let scientists think for me. My conclusion about smoking is drawn from what scientists have presented, but also upon my own observations and logic. It is foolish to believe what people say just because they are in a position of power, even if it is just informational or intellectual power. Do we believe everything our countries' leaders say? As I've already gone though (which so, so many people just don't grasp, and not just here on UM) facts =/= truth. You can tell me as many facts as you want, and I will of course take them into account, but only truth has instant power over my opinion, and no human has the truth, so my opinions are based on my own observations (as already stated) and my interpretation of so-called "facts" (which are also opinions) others present.

I am not trying to be hostile, but these things should be obvious. I am sick of hearing trivial arguments such as when I say you cannot prove anything, someone comes and says well you can't prove that you can't prove anything so you can! :tickled: That's just being childish and avoiding the issue. See above paragraph.

3. Yes I go to City University this 3rd year only. I am abroad from the United States, a place I vehemently despise and disassociate with. I am studying electrical engineering and physics, with an interest in audio systems.

:lol: i just got vampyrouss' joke when i fixed a spelling error. :lol:
I like sailing and having a good time. I enjoy girls, fun and music. If thats the kind of stud you ladies want choose me tonight and all your dreams will come true. :blush:

...or something...

Anyway, I agree on the truth and facts thing but can't remember why its relevant to this thread anyway :lol: