I enjoy Opeth more when I am smoking pot

While I agree with nearly every contrasting opinion here ( :lol: ), I think I disagree with Ken when he says that NOTHING has ever been proven. That's a little far I think. But I get the point, and it's fair :)

My opinion on weed is... it's great, as long as it doesn't take over from other, more important things.
Kenneth R. said:
nah, sensible people seek the truth for themselves, regardless of what "facts" others might be trying to promote.

if you think science can prove something, you don't understand science. science is a very good method of elimination. it disproves things, leaving less possiblities. nothing has ever been proven, and again you attempt to interchange the notion of popular opinion and actual result.

Whatever man. I'm keeping my opinion and beliefs you can keep yours. End of debate.
Everytime you take a breath, you're dying. Not in the Nepalese cheesy philosophy way, but oxygen is a poison, killing our cells one by one. Our lungs need oxygen to function, and our blood needs oxygen to flow. Oxygen escapes into the body and kills our cells. (thats why anti-oxidants are so important) pollution and other environmental hazards also contribute to premature human decay. My point is, you're going to die. It's going to happen, and smoking pot is the least of anyone's worries. If you have some moral objection to marijuana, its because you're an asshole, not because you're a healthnut or whatever it may be. People have been smoking some type of marijuana for centuries, if not longer. Pot is a medicine, and medicine is good. Now if you'll excuse me, daddy needs his medicine.
nope. i mean in reality. we have shown through tests a reliable probability of outcome, but humankind cannot ascertain the future to perfect accuracy, and thus cannot "prove" anything. is this such a difficult concept? the only way to "prove" something is to observe from an omniscient, omnipresent perspective, aka be a god.

we have only perception to guide us. be discerning individuals and F-ing think for yourselves, you are not sheep. don't blindly trust anything. even scientists have motives and objectives, mainly to keep themselves funded and promote their own views. when you see "proof" of something, look for the source data and ask yourself what YOU think. you don't have to be an expert to draw conclusions based on the obvious. for example, smoking anything can't be healthy. you put solid particles in your lungs, which are designed to accept and filter gases.

@Misseriah yes you are right, but you know what? I'm not in a hurry to meet the reaper. What's the point in quickening the process?
Kenneth R. said:
but humankind cannot ascertain the future to perfect accuracy, and thus cannot "prove" anything.

You just said

''but humankind cannot ascertain the future to perfect accuracy, and thus cannot "prove" anything.''

Wheres my proof?

Kenneth R. said:
but humankind cannot ascertain the future to perfect accuracy, and thus cannot "prove" anything.

There it is. I just proved something.
Kenneth R. said:
@Misseriah yes you are right, but you know what? I'm not in a hurry to meet the reaper. What's the point in quickening the process?
Well I know that no one is really in a hurry to die, but once you start cutting yourself off of enjoyable things because it may be even slightly unhealthy, you're letting your fear of death rule your life. Is that a way to "live?"
Misseriah said:
Well I know that no one is really in a hurry to die, but once you start cutting yourself off of enjoyable things because it may be even slightly unhealthy, you're letting your fear of death rule your life. Is that a way to "live?"

dude i totally fucking share your opinion.. although I wouldnt go extreme rock climbing or anything :D. but im always up for trying things... you only live once at least you wont get to the end of your time thinking shit theres a crapload of stuff i never did
Misseriah said:
Well I know that no one is really in a hurry to die, but once you start cutting yourself off of enjoyable things because it may be even slightly unhealthy, you're letting your fear of death rule your life. Is that a way to "live?"
i would classify weed as a little more than "slightly unhealthy"

and daz, that argument is bullshit and you know it.
no, what you said is bullshit lol.. of course you can prove things lol don't try and fob off my perfectly valid point.

If you were referring to the fact that you cant prove things about drug usage then yes I agree 100%. but you're saying that you cant prove things at all in reality which is a pile of steaming shit.

I quit smoking that stuff when I was 18 (36 now).

Now, with random pee in the cup tests at work it's not woth the effort.

I'll stick with my beer while watching my (almost) 2yr old run around the living room head banging and throwing his fists in the air.
Besides, beer is food and tasty as hell.

Weed is not that bad it helps insomniacs and people that have eating disorders. I would rather hang out with pot heads than a bunch of stupid ignorant smelly drunks. I have heard some horror stories about weed, if you smoke pot with mold or fungus in the weed, it can cause mold or fungi to grow in your lungs which can transform into cancer, and lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Weed is alot easier to quit than all other drugs that are addictive, and can definately help in the creative process when writing music. If it is abused like any drug, it can lead to depression especially if you can't kick the habit to get a job. America always wants to know what drugs your doing when you try to get a job, which I think violates our 4th and 5th amendments. At least you don't get the death penalty here when caught with some weed, like in some Asian countries.