I let my gf hear opeth

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Of course they're a masculine band... all the members are men you moron. I find their lyrics to be often times very romantic. Death metal vocals reflect the harsh side of Opeth, while the clean vocals reflect the more loving, sensitive, and compassionate side of Opeth.

You don't look at thing likes Opeth in black and white like that.
u guys are tards....

the reason many metal girls arent that good... is because...

1. look at how many girls listen to all other types of music
2. now look at how many girls listen to metal... there arent that many... and so u have less chance of stumbling across a hot metal chick... cos there are less...

ps. u suck
AllWithinMyMonster said:
I let her borrow damnation and she fell in love with it. She thinks opeth is brilliant and now wants all the albums. I let her have my cd. Now i have to buy a new one. :/

Good for you and your whorebag. So what was the point of you sharing this? Oh right, cause you're a trendfag Opeth fanboy.
Profånity said:
Girls who like masculine bands like Opeth are usually masculine oriontated and a lot of the time look like dogs.

Actually I can think of two very attractive women that I know who are huge Opeth fans. Both went to different Opeth shows with me and own several of their albums, so I think they would be classified as fans. Also, while at these shows sure there were a lot of not that attractive women but a good number of them were pretty attractive.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
suck my dick you fucking queers

I knew you had to be a total fag when you have Michael Jackson as your avatar, and even worse, "Metallica Owns You" under your screen name. You're such a pansy-ass.
Ha. I hardly ever post, and only read...But come on. Who cares, Will the world end if you hadnt have told us you showed your gf opeth? I think not.

And, It has been a VERY long time since metallica "owned anyone"...Probably since 92 or early 93 when they ended their black album tour. Most likely it was 88/9 when the And Justice for all world tour ended. That was the last of the real "metal" Metallica.
City_of_da_Moon said:
u guys are tards....

the reason many metal girls arent that good... is because...

1. look at how many girls listen to all other types of music
2. now look at how many girls listen to metal... there arent that many... and so u have less chance of stumbling across a hot metal chick... cos there are less...

ps. u suck

My gf is a hot metal chick :cool:
AllWithinMyMonster said:
I let her borrow damnation and she fell in love with it. She thinks opeth is brilliant and now wants all the albums. I let her have my cd. Now i have to buy a new one. :/

That's what happened with my aunt. She actually went to the concert this past month in Portland. She's also digging maudlin of the Well, which is very cool.
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