If you had to pick a favorite decade of metal?

favorite decade of metal music

  • 1980-1990

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • 1990-2000

    Votes: 21 55.3%
  • 2000-2010

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • 2010-Now

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
:lol: @ "people" saying suffocation's latest is their best. Also general AIDS thread.

Alright I get it guys, everything I post is "AIDS" or "gay" I could care less what any of you 30 year old no life's think about me so if you don't like me as much as it seems, fucking ignore me.
No it's not, especially since you can partially substitute DMDS' loss with Live in Leipzig.

Admittedly Immortal and Darkthrone released their best albums in '93, but the best albums of Emperor, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, and Enslaved, not to mention everything outside of Norwegian black metal, can still give most years in metal a fair run for their money.
Y'all are like guys who insist that Goldeneye is still TOTALLY better than new shooting games or Thriller is still the best music video. It's all rose-colored glasses bullshit to suggest that once those landmark albums hit it's all down from there.

It's no goddamn coincidence that the "best" albums all seem to happen when the genre itself is fairly new. It's not because they are genuinely the best, it's because they're the ones that laid the foundation down for later albums. So the best black/death albums were early 90s, the best thrash was mid/late 80s, etc etc. And almost always one of the first albums that said bands came out with.

So it's Legion, Altars, Tomb, Effigy, De Mysteriis, Blaze in the Northern Sky, World Downfall, Reek of Putrefaction, all the early albums. As though, somehow, whenever someone does something new no one EVER improves upon it. The pioneers not only made the new sound, but perfected it and neither they nor anyone else could make it better. It's stupid.

Like it's almost weird the way there's this cult around the originals. Obviously they're all amazing albums and were great enough to inspire others to take the same sound, but to act like if Pierced from Within dropped for the first time in 2008 it WOULDN'T just get swallowed up as "another brutal death album" is retarded.

The newer crop doesn't have that innovation or freshness to it because they're building on a mountain of inspiration, but that doesn't take away from the fact that a lot of them are just fucking executed better. Honestly it's like listening to Beethoven and going "eh he's just a student of Mozart" and declaring him derivative and untalented.
Like it's almost weird the way there's this cult around the originals. Obviously they're all amazing albums and were great enough to inspire others to take the same sound, but to act like if Pierced from Within dropped for the first time in 2008 it WOULDN'T just get swallowed up as "another brutal death album" is retarded.

All those blasty 2008 tech-death albums are indebted to Suffocation and others so to act as if you can just ignore that one directly influenced the next is ridiculous. You may as well say that a band could completely plagiarize another one, but so long as the execution and production were equivalent or better, the two would be equal. Yeah, you could take Piece of Mind and some random Aria album and present them to somebody blindly and they may pick the latter, but that's only because you've ignored a large contextual portion of what makes something good or bad.

Name some traditional or thrash metal albums of the 2000's that are "just fucking executed better" plz.
Like it's almost weird the way there's this cult around the originals. Obviously they're all amazing albums and were great enough to inspire others to take the same sound, but to act like if Pierced from Within dropped for the first time in 2008 it WOULDN'T just get swallowed up as "another brutal death album" is retarded.

It wouldn't. How do I know? Because I hold a tiny handful of new albums at the same level as the old school (iow I don't write shit off) and I still think you sound stupid with this.
For the most part the classics haven't been improved upon, just 'refined' which isn't really a negative or positive term.
It wouldn't. How do I know? Because I hold a tiny handful of new albums at the same level as the old school (iow I don't write shit off) and I still think you sound stupid with this.

And how did you discover the old school, huh? Did you just stumble across an old school album randomly and, without any prompting, decide that it was better than anything else? Were you listening to death metal on Pandora and something from 1993 popped on and you went "oh damn this better than the rest!"

Bands like Dodecahedron and Necroblaspheme are taking black and death metal (respectively) to soaring new heights, Portal and Ulcerate are expanding the sounds in ways no one would have thought possible in the 90s. Nile's "Those Whom..." and "Annihilation..." are the best from a band that was already one of the best. Immolation's post-2000 output is FUCKING AMAZING, not to mention the albums of guys like The Chasm or Dead Congregation.

Leviathan took black metal and made it horrific beyond what Mayhem and Darkthrone were ever capable of, Darkspace made atmospheric masterpieces while Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord experimented with thematic works of art and Anaal Nathrakh showed just how fucking VISCERAL you can make music using only two dudes.

There are dozens and dozens of albums that are every bit as good as those classics, if not better, but the reason they will never be SEEN as classics like those old albums is they didn't pioneer the sound. They had the advantage of adding TO the sound, not CREATING it.

AND this is why I stand by my decision that the 90s were the best decade. It was a cauldron of creativity and growth, forging new sounds and expanding EVERYONE'S notions of what metal can do. So keep in mind that with everything I'm saying, I voted 90s as the best and will not budge on this fact.