Y'all are like guys who insist that Goldeneye is still TOTALLY better than new shooting games or Thriller is still the best music video. It's all rose-colored glasses bullshit to suggest that once those landmark albums hit it's all down from there.
It's no goddamn coincidence that the "best" albums all seem to happen when the genre itself is fairly new. It's not because they are genuinely the best, it's because they're the ones that laid the foundation down for later albums. So the best black/death albums were early 90s, the best thrash was mid/late 80s, etc etc. And almost always one of the first albums that said bands came out with.
So it's Legion, Altars, Tomb, Effigy, De Mysteriis, Blaze in the Northern Sky, World Downfall, Reek of Putrefaction, all the early albums. As though, somehow, whenever someone does something new no one EVER improves upon it. The pioneers not only made the new sound, but perfected it and neither they nor anyone else could make it better. It's stupid.
Like it's almost weird the way there's this cult around the originals. Obviously they're all amazing albums and were great enough to inspire others to take the same sound, but to act like if Pierced from Within dropped for the first time in 2008 it WOULDN'T just get swallowed up as "another brutal death album" is retarded.
The newer crop doesn't have that innovation or freshness to it because they're building on a mountain of inspiration, but that doesn't take away from the fact that a lot of them are just fucking executed better. Honestly it's like listening to Beethoven and going "eh he's just a student of Mozart" and declaring him derivative and untalented.