I'm Kvlty Correct!

In Los Angeles you will see either an El Pollo Loco, KFC, Popeye's, or Church's chicken every 3/4 mile. Dem gnat atrractin' apes luv der Church's buttamilk bizkits.

agalloch and some other bands but good american bands in that general musical vicinity are so few it's still on the level of exceptions proving the rule

now you could at one point do thrash and death metal but that's because those genres are about being angry and yelling a lot and americans can do that
Just out of curiosity, I checked out my top 25 most played songs of the past year. Amount of songs by American bands: 2.
well, but it IS so american. i'm not p-c enough to pretend there aren't cultural differences where there obviously are some.

americans are completely different from other people. it doesn't matter if you play tremolo riffs like darkthrone did, you're still american and understand nothing. you have your stupid fucking inverted crosses and your corpsepaint but how you take great care to not offend anyone, how you are completely incapable of understanding the essence of a thing and not only the form, how you create myspace pages, print shirts and make "street teams", how you write biographies with quotes from reviews... sorry! all signs point towards being AMERICAN and thus not GETTING IT! like, on a very fundamental level, where "IT" cannot even be explained to you because you apparently lack the mental foundation to even make sense of the concepts!

nowhere in the original post does it say that the "band" (i.e. myspace idiot with a computer microphone) in question is american, but i KNOW for a FACT that he is, without having to check

pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft :rolleyes:
hey here's my black metal band that sounds like everyone else and we have lyrics about nordic gods we don't believe in and have no relation to. they're pretty cool though. that hammer? that shit is fuckin' awesome broheim. hey here's my stupid suburban house that looks like everyone else's. hey here's my ready made pre packaged manufactured cultural/racial/subcultural identity. did you know i'm 1/8 scottish? that's why i wear this stupid fucking kilt. hey i make a lot of money at my job though

Because we all know that white americans originated from the western hemisphere. :rolleyes:

You seem to confuse culture with heritage.

Culturally, americans are viewed as ignorant and arrogant.
Culturally, europeans are viewed as uppity and arrogant. You just happened to be born in that country ya douche.
the moon landing was a fraud perpetuated unto the american people by the shapeshifting lizard ZOG

believe it comrade
the moon landing was a fraud perpetuated unto the american people by the shapeshifting lizard ZOG

Fifty years later his grandson ZOD failed at filling the shoes that his father ZOB had placed in front of him. ZOB disowned ZOD for not posting nearly enough on RC. ZOD will lay no such shoes for his future son ZOK who will be named so because it rhymes with sock. ZOD shall lay socks down and turn a loving cheek to spite his father and grandfather.

....god I suck
Oh no. Not your ENTIRE life!??! What about HALF of it?!?! Or THREE-FOURTHS of it?!??!

Usually, when I post something I think others will make fun of, I'll end the post with an insult to myself which nullifies what they might say. Your ENTIRE life?!?!!?

....also, it just looks like you're in disbelief that I could possibly think that I suck. You're supposed to either quote "....god I suck" with a thumbs up header or quote the other part and state what you said. What an ENTIRE retard you are.
Or maybe you should just get back to jerking off your sister.

... Anyway, Americans. Americans fucking suck at making black metal and thats all there is to it. How many fucking USBM bands are there at this point? Thousands of them. How many are worth hearing? Maybe 6. It's partly the fact that they don't get it, but a larger aspect of why USBM sucks so hard is the fact that the people making it seem to emulate the european frontrunners to a fault. It just turns out shitty. And the scene around it... it's filled with Plastic Nathrakh's. Ugh.
I think Judas Iscariot is the most genuine black metal. Guess where he's from. I think there are just as many fucking imbeciles writing shit-tastic black metulss over in Europe as here.

What is there to GET with black metal?!? It's pretty goddamned straightforward and simplistic. All atmosphere. Love it though don't get me wrong.
I don't know how I can be related to any black metal scene though Eric. Death and Thrash are my genres.
Anyhow, back to this asshole:

americans are completely different from other people. it doesn't matter if you play tremolo riffs like darkthrone did, you're still american and understand nothing.

Darkthrone and most other legends of black metal hail from Norway. Not fucking Sweden. Don't take credit for a continent. Can the fine people of Greece take credit for the genre?

What do you understand about writing music?!?
I think Judas Iscariot is the most genuine black metal. Guess where he's from. I think there are just as many fucking imbeciles writing shit-tastic black metulss over in Europe as here.

What is there to GET with black metal?!? It's pretty goddamned straightforward and simplistic. All atmosphere. Love it though don't get me wrong.
I don't know how I can be related to any black metal scene though Eric. Death and Thrash are my genres.

Judas Iscariot sucks. The only reason that project ever gained an ounce of popularity was due to Akhenaten's associations with faggots like Imperial and Kanwulf and the like... and we all know how geniune Kanwulf is.

The most important thing to "get" with black metal is that being a fucking emulation is a GAY. If the "atmosphere" isn't geniune then whats the point?

And you represent the core of the american metal scene, the root of the problem. Black Metal, Death Metal? It's all the same in America.