I'm Kvlty Correct!

Wait, so you didn't laugh at HellMike's Mauryleen thread?!?!

laughter free, not really the kind of humour that makes me laugh.

I don't get shit about defining kult/troo/whatever, and I can't compare band a to bands b, c and d based on guitar style or whatever. I do know that I've only heard a few USBM bands that I like, but plenty from europe (not just scandinavia). I know that summing up a people by the worst examples screws pretty much any land on the planet and that its good to see RC being the way it was ages ago.

Its good/great/kicksmyballsinandblastsmyteethoutastheyflybackout or it sucks.

I can't understand how anyone can listen to black metal without laughing or yawning. What am I missing?
Its good/great/kicksmyballsinandblastsmyteethoutastheyflybackout or it sucks.
this is the correct way to approach all art

if it doesn't kick my face in, it is mediocre, and mediocrity is the worst thing

i would much rather listen to something extremely crappy, played with conviction, than something competent but lifeless (this is why i REALLY LOVE "a girl" by memorium (SWE), the best song since forever)
does america have a culture, general zod? is there anything at all that distinguishes american culture from that of other countries?

EDIT: it has nothing to do with "nordic descent". it has to do with the culture you've grown up in.

So our culture that doesn't exist but is completely indistinguishable to that of other countries is at fault?

Culture does not exist by your logic. This is a new philosophical rambling for another one of your shitthreads.

well i do admit to reading it by mistake since it was short (but surprisingly painful for being so few words)

i'm going to go against my better judgement and actually spend like five seconds on you though: you're a fucking idiot. "does america have a culture?" was a "RHETORICAL QUESTION". i DID NOT say america has "indistinguishable culture". i said that's what zod's reasoning would imply, and it is EXACTLY the opposite of what i have been saying all along. JESUS. STOP EXISTING.
Every populace no matter how large or small has some type of culture. Whether that culture is rich and beneficial, or shallow and self-defeating to the individual is another matter.
Sorry, it's kind of hard to understand the ramblings of someone who doesn't capitalize the first letter of any sentence. Just as irritating as you proving me wrong there. I'm no EricT. I admit defeat in that case.
Every populace no matter how large or small has some type of culture. Whether that culture is rich and beneficial, or shallow and self-defeating to the individual is another matter.

i'm sure there are great things about american culture and there are typically american authors (thoreau, nathaniel hawthorne) & bands (acid bath, overkill, winter, queensrÿche, etc.) i really like, and that's just it -- there are some things that are typically american, and others that are not.

overkill could not have been german. darkthrone could not have been american. essentially: accept that you can't be the biggest and the best country at everything. there are things you guys can't handle, and there are things you do better than everyone else. big deal.
would much rather listen to something extremely crappy, played with conviction, than something competent but lifeless

This is the only good thing that has come out of this clusterfuck of a thread. I can't count the absolutely horrid live shows I've witnessed featuring bands who handled their instruments with competence yet failed completely to convey ANYTHING with their performance. These are the most excruciating hours of metal listening!
Just think, if it weren't for that slattern from Mike's Apartment receiving a creme de la exfoliation, you would have never turned Care Crew and consequently would have never met the love of your life. Strange how things work out.

Actually it was the "What was the last cd you listened to thread", it had nothing to do with care crew or not.

This is the only good thing that has come out of this clusterfuck of a thread. I can't count the absolutely horrid live shows I've witnessed featuring bands who handled their instruments with competence yet failed completely to convey ANYTHING with their performance. These are the most excruciating hours of metal listening!

you did have a thing going back in the 19th century though, what happened man

Our country is richer, more prosperous, and has many people flocking to it from all over the world each year. What has Sweden done for anything? Aside from a few bands that are stunning which accounts for less than a percentile of your countries worth, where does this pride stem from?
i will say that america is judged unfairly and prematurely by the actions of its politicians. seriously, how many countries hate us or at least came to realize our faults through the dumbass actions of bush?

other countries need to quit paying attention to the US so much
I don't think that many people hate us. Many people downright worship the US. Everyone knows that Bush is gone and most of the world is ecstatic about that fact. The terrorists will continue to exist no matter what. If we made Islam our national religion, they'd still find a reason to try and kill us.