I'm Kvlty Correct!

Also: I don't get why everyone is getting all uptight about Phyre's comments. I thought it was pretty much a given that Scandinavians do black metal waaaaay better than anywhere else in the world. That's not to say that Americans CAN'T produce great BM, it's just unlikely. Like China producing NBA stars. Move along.
Also: I don't get why everyone is getting all uptight about Phyre's comments. I thought it was pretty much a given that Scandinavians do black metal waaaaay better than anywhere else in the world. That's not to say that Americans CAN'T produce great BM, it's just unlikely. Like China producing NBA stars. Move along.

and that's all i'm saying. makes me think it is also part of american culture to assume that america must win and be the best at everything, all the time
I guess that's why he's the "former" minister of culture

haha naw we're not so uptight about religious things here in sweden, he just got toppled by the conservatives last election

it's like "oh that wacky minister, worshipping satan, what will he come up with next :rolleyes:" at worst
That's not to say that Americans CAN'T produce great BM, it's just unlikely. Like China producing NBA stars. Move along.

the world's tallest person is a chinese woman i think

They actually found someone else that was 10 cm taller than her last week (4 inches for you metrically challenged). A chinese man that was seeking medical aid for a 10 year old foot injury turned out to be 2.46 m tall when they measured him.
That's an interesting question. I'm not sure if America has a culture. If it does, I suspect it has more than one and that those cultures are regional, not national.

Honestly, I'm not sure how much culture any country has. And to the extant that they do, I'm not sure for how much longer they will. The reality is as people inter-marry, immigrate, become less religious, move towards a common language, etc., the aspects which define culture slowly fade away. Of course, if you listen to NSBM you're all too aware of this fact. :loco:

I can't speak for sweden/scandaniggerland, but germany (despite heavy westernisation in the last 20 years or so) still oozes culture out of every pore when compared ot north america.

It actually really hard to describe, and I've only really started to get to understand it since I got a good grasp on the language. But its very much there, and even in the westernised scum of society, its very present and has a large influence on their thoughts, thought patterns, actions, goals, dreams and imagination.

I don't even think it would register so clearly with me if I wasn't so used to the now (in perspective) cultureless north america.

(more on these thoughts to follow if I can ever find a way to describe it)
a few things:

the one varathron album i heard blew.

dead as dreams is the best black metal album ever. it's so good that im not even worthy to own it so mine is up for trade. just trade me crappy black sabbath clones like witchfinder general and cirith ungol because i like shitty music.

i hate it when those pesky european tourists come here to take advantage of a weak dollar and ask annoying questions like "why are her armpits shaved?"

regarding metal archives numbers: if i wanted to i could create a page for my black metal band that is so underground we've never even picked up instruments