I'm Kvlty Correct!

americans are completely different from other people. it doesn't matter if you play tremolo riffs like darkthrone did, you're still american and understand nothing. you have your stupid fucking inverted crosses and your corpsepaint but how you take great care to not offend anyone, how you are completely incapable of understanding the essence of a thing and not only the form, how you create myspace pages, print shirts and make "street teams", how you write biographies with quotes from reviews... sorry! all signs point towards being AMERICAN and thus not GETTING IT! like, on a very fundamental level, where "IT" cannot even be explained to you because you apparently lack the mental foundation to even make sense of the concepts!
I love when people are unintentionally ironic.

The idea that "americans are completely different from other people", suggests there's some overriding commonality that runs through all Americans. To hold such a belief about any country of 300,000,000 is so wonderfully naive, it's comical. The idea that there's some secret "it", that only Europeans are enlightened enough to grasp, is equally as silly. Finally, the idea that someone who holds both of the previous views, is himself enlightened? Well... that's just deliciously ironic.

Sweetie... keep your inverted crosses and corpse paint. To anyone who thinks such things have some musical or social relevance, I'll keep my fingers crossed that your parent's basement doesn't flood and ruin your $80 amp.

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the IT is gossiping and festering in outdoor coffee houses about things they see on tv or read in newspapers.
Really ... you sound more and more like Will Hunting.
the whole americans are naive and dont get it thing is retarded. what's even more retarded is that european countries strive to be like america with our mcdonalds and metroassholes. so who's the bigger moron?

that being said, usbm is terrible. yes, even weakling and wittr (to a lesser degree, though)
Excerpts from two different Panopticon songs. This guy goes to the playbooks of Rage Against the Machine and Amon Amarth in the same album. :lol:

How long will we swallow the shit that they feed us? How long will they rape our ears with their lies? I will surrender my heart to no one but me. There are only a few things that I believe: that people are born free and slavery is murder ,property is theft and government is tyranny: anarchy is liberty.

Odin watched from Asgard and smiled upon his work:for he was the farmer and Frigg, the wife who had cared for them in the cold.
Agnar had grown into a man,a giantess he wed. Odin scoffed at young Agnar saying Geirrod was a better man......
Geirrod was a ruthless king and he ruled his people with hate. Frigg contested Odin's claim and they sought the boys again.......

In regards to the conversation at hand, one can not soundly deny that the majority of USBM lacks sincerity. Plastic Numbnuts is the American poster child for what's wrong with the US scene. Wet behind the ear mollycoddles with scant musical ability attempting to get e-cred via myspace spam bombs. I can't recall the last Los Angeles show I attended where I didn't wince in anguish from the sea of cancerous filth that abounded by the boatload.

We're running out of time and don't need any further incidences like this!
Being that I'm your alt account. I feel a major obligation to agree with you. Fuck this guy! He make douches like einride think they know what they're talking about!
you there

while glossing over the thread i notice that you are quoting me -- you should know that i literally do not read your posts so in the future you can spare the effort it takes to think up all these things

i'm not saying this to be cute, i literally do not read your posts
I love when people are unintentionally ironic.
i don't know that it was all that unintentional

The idea that "americans are completely different from other people", suggests there's some overriding commonality that runs through all Americans. To hold such a belief about any country of 300,000,000 is so wonderfully naive, it's comical. The idea that there's some secret "it", that only Europeans are enlightened enough to grasp, is equally as silly.
i don't care what is "silly", "naive" or "comical" -- if all available evidence point towards something, i'm inclined to believe that something is true. also, for the record, since this is a point people tend to need spelled out: no, i do not mean LITERALLY every american. there are exceptions. i can't think of one in the field of black metal off the top of my head, but there are exceptions. yes, i believe there are cultural aspects that unite MOST americans, just like there are cultural ideosyncracies to every other people. you know? mexicans smell of fabric softener and drink tequila, swedes are self righteous communists who eat pickled herring, russians are angry and drink a lot?

you're not so fucking heterogenous as you think. do you think the average chinese man is likelier to wear a funny pointy hat and eat rice than the average american? do you think the average american man cannot write black metal because he's brought up in a world where everything is a product and everything can be bought and fails to understand what it is about except on a very basic "REBELLION BLUAAAARGH GOD SUCKS" level?

Finally, the idea that someone who holds both of the previous views, is himself enlightened? Well... that's just deliciously ironic.
i never said that but i'll say it now if you like -- yes i'm far more "enlightened" than your DRAUGARs and your CREBAINs and JUDAS ISCARIOTs

Sweetie... keep your inverted crosses and corpse paint. To anyone who thinks such things have some musical or social relevance, I'll keep my fingers crossed that your parent's basement doesn't flood and ruin your $80 amp.
my (OWN! thank you very much!) apartment is on the second floor so is fairly immune to flooding (not to mention we don't build cities in places prone to hurricanes, floods and earthquakes like inferior american infidel) and my $80 amp (you guessed it man, it's a 1986 MARSHALL MASTER REVERB 30 and all the pots are scratchy as hell) is in our rehearsal space -- BUT -- the rehearsal space is in a basement so thanks for the concern either way

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You literally need to stop using literally all ready. :lol:

Also, it doesn't seem like anyone really disagrees that USBM sucks. I had to sit through 5 of the WORST Hispanic/redneck/I look kind of goth and am confused about my gender- Black Metal bands last night so your preaching to the choir to many on that issue.
while glossing over the thread i notice that you are quoting me -- you should know that i literally do not read your posts so in the future you can spare the effort it takes to think up all these things. i'm not saying this to be cute, i literally do not read your posts
For someone who doesn't read my posts (I can only assume I'm suppose to find that insulting?) you're about to spend a lot of time quoting me. I know... more irony... it's awesome.

i don't care what is "silly", "naive" or "comical" -- if all available evidence point towards something, i'm inclined to believe that something is true.
Really? So all the evidence points to all Americans being similar? Have you spent five minutes here? Have you seen our news? The idea that we share anything, short of a significant portion of North America, is ridiculous. And the idea that you continue to push forth this idea, as if there's "evidence" to support this belief, continues to reveal your naivete.

you're not so fucking heterogenous as you think.
Nor is any one people. However, the fact that you espoused the idea that somehow Americans specifically are a homogeneous people, is what's absurd. The idea that no one here get's "it", is where you leave credibility behind and begin to sound as worldy as your average teenager.

i never said that but i'll say it now if you like -- yes i'm far more "enlightened" than your DRAUGARs and your CREBAINs and JUDAS ISCARIOTs
On what are you basing that? The mere fact that you believe there's some enlightenment to be had from the ramblings of a collective of seventeen year old morons, who ran around in corpse paint burning down churches and killing each other, shows just how unenlightened you truly are.

-- this is american black metal. there is nothing else to it.
First off, congrats on finding some Americans on YouTube making asses of themselves. I know that must have been tough. So let me ask you this... how many god awful Black Metal bands has Norway spawned? Thousands? Do you honestly believe merely being of Nordic decent imbues a certain level of enlightened it-ness to the musician? Please. I choose my music without the slightest concern of its national origins. I'm not quite sure what could matter less.

i am just happy that RC is back ... at least for the weekend :lol:

and Zod, don't worry, Europeans don't like people in the village next to them let alone other countries.

enlightment ... :lol:
For someone who doesn't read my posts (I can only assume I'm suppose to find that insulting?) you're about to spend a lot of time quoting me. I know... more irony... it's awesome.

uh zod dude i don't have a problem with you, that post was directed at that one new guy
Nor is any one people. However, the fact that you espoused the idea that somehow Americans specifically are a homogeneous people, is what's absurd. The idea that no one here get's "it", is where you leave credibility behind and begin to sound as worldy as your average teenager.
all i'm saying is america has a culture, and that this culture implies that americans are inclined to act in certain ways, and less inclined to act in others. for example, americans are apparently incapable of writing black metal music.

does america have a culture, general zod? is there anything at all that distinguishes american culture from that of other countries? if you concede that there is, you will agree that there could ("HYPOTHETICALLY") be parts of that culture that make it more difficult for americans to succeed at certain things.

let's say you wanted to hire someone to build an igloo in your front yard. now, do you ask the inuit or the native american? let's say you want to listen to black metal. do you listen to the album by the guy who grew up in a suburb, drives a white 1996 SATURN that his PARENTS bought him and works at WAL*MART, or the one by the proud northern aryan warrior, veiled in misty mountains and dark forests, with a sordid past of black plague, church oppression and isolation running through his VERY VEINS?

give the fuck up. throw in the towel! there is nothing here for you! go home!

On what are you basing that? The mere fact that you believe there's some enlightenment to be had from the ramblings of a collective of seventeen year old morons, who ran around in corpse paint burning down churches and killing each other, shows just how unenlightened you truly are.
okay i don't know why the hell we are talking about "enlightenment", you started it and i don't think it is relevant or what it means so whatever broheim

First off, congrats on finding some Americans on YouTube making asses of themselves. I know that must have been tough.
no, because it is in fact true that americans make asses of themselves a lot. what are you implying here?

also, congratulations on not disproving anything i've said by naming even one american black metal band that has something heartfelt, real and unique to communicate


So let me ask you this... how many god awful Black Metal bands has Norway spawned? Thousands? Do you honestly believe merely being of Nordic decent imbues a certain level of enlightened it-ness to the musician? Please. I choose my music without the slightest concern of its national origins. I'm not quite sure what could matter less.
what can i say? there are no good american black metal bands, but scores of them from norway, sweden, finland, greece, france, romania, germany, poland, the czech republic and other european countries. why do you think this is, general zod? at which point does circumstantial evidence become enough to actually mean something? personally, i think we're way past it.

EDIT: it has nothing to do with "nordic descent". it has to do with the culture you've grown up in. if you're of 100% norwegian blood and live in america your black metal band is still very bad