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Welcome RavenousDaemon!

Siren (who wanted to say smt about pink armadillos and the possibility of them expressing their opinion in foreign languages, but doesn't feel all too funny right now.)
yes, but what i was originally wondering (and couldn't quite express) is: would our lovely pink armadillo say his opinion in armadillian or english?

edit: or greenlandish? and would it be easier for us to learn his language, or him to learn ours? :hypno:
well, he would first appear pissed off cause we interrupted him while he was sunbathing and reading his newspaper, then he would be more understanding and he will start talking/shouting in internet-talk :goggly:

right now i have a perfect mental image of how the armadillo could look if i drew it with Paint, but i already almost scared to death Ormir and some other users here with a thing called "the swimmer", so i can't use Paint anymore.
oh, come on, please do it, i already have loving feelings for our little armadillo, i really want to see him. :Spin:
Mmm.. no.

He wanted to relax and read his newspaper in peace ..without crazy girls with 'loving feelings' or with weird looks towards him for his appearance/opinions

He's a good buddy of mine, actually. We go way back.
@Hilj: I don't believe you, i want to see for myself. :p Even if he gets in my nightmares, it doesn't mean i will stop loving him, i swear. :cry:
At least show me the swimmer. Please? :D
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