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King Chaos said:
I havnt seen DT live apart from on the DVD :(. I take it you will have seen them at the show which is featured on the DVD? that would be so cool, one thing that I hate about gigs is that they only last 90 mins, if a gig I was at was caught on tape it would be like immortalising something that enlightend me for a night.

Im into far too many bands of different genres to begin a list that repressents my taste... but My favourite bands at the moment are Nightwish,
Dark Tranquillity, Dragonforce and Nevermore.

Do not worry about that...you'll sure have the chance to watch DT live. Be sure that only by posting in the DT forum you support the band more than persons who have seen them live. You and everybody in this forum is the DT heart beating when they are on stage!!! :)

Yeah i took part in the Athens show featured on the DVD. The second was in Thessaloniki with Entombed and Candlemass. I also agree with you, 90 minutes is not enough time to really enjoy a gig...and believe me every one of your post in here immortilize and enlightence you existance eternally!!! To be immortilized for a day is good but the success is to immortilize your existsence by writing...this is the reason that every big figure in immortilized in history!!! :)

As for bands i go along with you friend. Nightwish and Nevermore are great ( not heard of Dragonforce yet ). Good taste my man. it's also good talking with you...thanks!!! :)
Lethe85 said:
Hey Dreamcell!
welcome to the forum :)
so you like Orphaned Land huh? :) ...cool guys!

Thank you Lethe85 :wave: . Yeah OL are my fave by far, really amazing gyus!!! I see you're from Israel, know guys in OL in person? You should drop by their forum to say a hello, guys in OL would be really happy!!! :)
hehe :) yeah,i know Uri the bass player, and i met Kobi few times, they are so nice!
really good people. Uri is so cute, i visit his metal shop alot.
Dreamcell said:
Hey that's great...
i just found my personal English language teacher or to be honest he found me...
or maybe i mixed up forums and i'm posting in the "Learn English" forum... :err:
or maybe my English teacher is a bit confuced with what's the real meaning of writing in a metal band forum...
i don't know...
i'm confuced too... :confused:
please somebody help me to clear things up in my head... :erk:
...Do you need a glass of water, man?

Since I had nothing better to do I registred here. I´ve been a metal fan since 1983, when Dios "Holy Diver" and Kiss "Creatures of the night" hit me like a ton of bricks... Since then a lot more metal has been discovered (and forgotten...) as well as tons of other music not in the metal genre.

Favourite metal bands include:
Dark Tranqillity (of course...)
Dimmu Borgir
Demons & Wizards
Judas Priest (with Rob, not the Ripper crap)
Iron Maiden (up to "Seventh son...")
Iron Savior
Sepultura (with Max!)

Non-metal bands:

Skinny Puppy
Frontline Assembly
Alice in Videoland
Depeche Mode
Tangerine Dream
Pink Floyd

and tons of more shit...
Hi Psychedelic Warlord! :wave:

Hi Warlord!

@Mags: HI MAGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111 :D :D :grin: :wave: :hotjump: :Smokin:
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