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Violet Baudelaire said:
welcome newbie :p
berlins ok

and btw... baby? i thought that had been a typo the first time!
This is not the first time I've called you 'baby', baby. ;) I called you it at Tuska and I called you it on UM before then on the chat board.

In case I never clarified it though, it's not 'baby' like :

'hey babeh' :Smug: [/Joey]

It's 'baby' like:

Baby! ^_^ (insufferably cute cutsey voice.... cos you're just a lil wi'l baby!) *pinches your cheeks*
haha i guess i always thought i misheard or that you had made a typo...
im an evil killing machine though, not a baby ;)
Hi, I'm Miranda everyone calls me Ola, I live in Florida and I'm a nurse in charge of a hospital emergency receiving, I received Damage Done as a birthday gift and probably played every day since, just got Exposures the other day and like it a lot also. What other Dark Tranquillity CDs should I pick up or are they all as good as 2 I have?
I've read some of the post on this forum, like what I saw and thought being a member would be fun and maybe I'll make some new friends.
hello miranda, and welcome. the rest of the releases are equally good, even though you might find the older stuff to be quite different. i guess it depends on how you feel about older melodic death metal, although i don't really think you'd hate any dt record if you're so fond of the new ones.

we don't have a nurse yet, and considering for instance my inclination for clumsy accidents, one would probably come in handy
Hi Miranda! :wave:

Kudos to your friend that bought you Damage Done!
Howdy Ola :wave: (be glad I didn't say "Ola Ola!" :p )

Remind us to thank the friend who gave you the present.... we can always use another convert. :heh: Anyways, I think you'll like it here. Enjoy.
Hola, Ola.

Welcome aboard. It's too bad you didn't specify the identity of your friend in your first post ..he would've gotten a $20 referral bonus and you $10, had the claim been filed within 24 hours of your first post here. We hope you have a great time with us nonetheless
Hi everybody. I'm new here. Please allow me to introduce myself :p

I'm Thomas and I live in Belgium. I'm 18 years old, in one month I will begin my studies English & Swedish at university. I've been reading the first ten pages of the "random fact" thread and this seems like a really great forum! I started visting this board after a sudden interest in all things Dark Tranquillity. So... hello there.
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