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My family is from Mexico, but my parents were doing their degrees or post-degrees or whatever you call them in the UK (Cambridge, England) and for some (as of yet unknown to me) reason they spent some time in Cardiff, Wales. My mother got pregnant, i came into existence, and then they (unfortunately) came back to Mexico. Story of my life. :)
@UC: Yes...and it's beautiful country,so I'm not sorry,I'm sorry 'cause the government and everything others considering "law and order" sucks,and some people are still almost in middle age by the way they think
Oh, come on Undo, just because Mexico city's population is larger than the entire canadian population doesn't make it the worst place to live....Well maybe it does ;)
Not only that:

2. Nothing ever works there (#1 was the 25-million-people thing).

3. It's filthy as hell (seriously, mate; you don't know the meaning of 'filthy' until you've lived there).

4. Government is crap (more so than most other mexican cities, and Mexico's government is worse than most countries', i can assure you).

5. It's sinking more each year because it's built over a lake.

6. It's the largest city in the world and has been built with no planning whatsoever, so only taxi drivers don't get lost in there (and i'm still not sure how they do it).

7. It's so big and growing so fast that it's already eaten up a whole heap of little towns which were once outside of the city (and i fear it will eat up Cuernavaca and Toluca in less than ten years. Hopefully, i'll be out of this country by then).

8. The governor has spent the last years building lots of stuff (highways, bicycle pistes and so on) with money that hadn't been given to him (i.e. it was intended for other purposes).

9. Public transport is very inefficient.

10. They tubed a river and built a city over there (seriously, people; that kind of shit only happens in Mexico City). :err:

I'm sure i could come up with quite a long list if i put my mind to it for long enough.
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