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Welcome again ;)

You can sleep on the sofa for now, till somebody else needs it though :p
I figured it out Siren, see you get to post DURING the day, so you beat me everytime when someones new! Damn you ;)

As for Nick get out of here we dont allow losers in this forum :lol:

No im just kidding, good to see you come over here, out of the context of the crappy IF forum, just dont go creating stupid threads like in the IF forum kk? =P
Hey they are legitimate questions, when nothing new is going on, I usually post opinionated or "wierd" threads yes, but there is no need to corrupt this board with my madness, people actually have something that has nothing to do with religion, IF selling out, or jsut other dumb shit. Hell there is even a poetry thread here, I like already.

@Final, Eat my asshole you cock sucking ball spelunker:lol: , no I love ya, not the love for another mans ass, but jsut me loving everyone who talks to me, that makes no sense what so ever so im done.

Thank you. :wave:
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
people actually have something that has nothing to do with religion, IF selling out, or jsut other dumb shit. Hell there is even a poetry thread here, I like already.

my thoughts exactly ;)
:lol: Uh, not YOUR day. When everyone else seems to post :bah:

I still hand out the cookies but I dunno if im doing a good enough job :cry: Just give me a good punch in the arm when I fall behind k? ;)

@rahvin I think actually this board could handle a religion thread, most other boards that get one end up getting into flame wars, because of lack of maturity between persons. Go nuts rahv :p
Originally posted by Final_Vision
@rahvin I think actually this board could handle a religion thread, most other boards that get one end up getting into flame wars, because of lack of maturity between persons. Go nuts rahv :p

i'll probably start one tomorrow. sunday sounds an appropriate day for a religion thread. :p thanks for your support. ;)

@F_V: deal ;)
may i also give you one by time to time just for the sake of it? :loco:

@rahve: gosh, i've had enough religion threads in my life, but what the heck, i won't get in your way ;)

@Qsilver: me thinks you are secretly seeking for a welcome back with your post :p so, welcome back ;)

Siren (violence in disguise)
@siren YES by all means send one my way! I can get all gitty and jump up and down like a little school girl again! er.........nm bout that......uh..........yes I like welcoming people.........:)

@Qsilver: me thinks you are secretly seeking for a welcome back with your post :p so, welcome back ;)

I knew that you'd know that :) It's good to be drunk again.. I mean it's good to be here again .. I mean it's good to be drunk and here. I mean... I gotta sleep

@F_V: you shouldn't shout your welcome back's especially when it's supposed to be a secret :p thanks anyway for your not-so-secret wb :)
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