I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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lets just let the bodies up because itll be over my dead body too im afraid :lol: this place will not smell to pleasant me thinks

and of course a warm welcome to Sargoth, no cookies tho, Siren ate them all :mad:
it's not my fault, they had chocolate.........
i have to say i kinda like blood: it seems it's extremely useful, what with that habit of bringing stuff to various parts of my body and everything. i mean, don't you think it's very nice of him to keep flowing even those times that - frankly - i've had more than enough of swings and roundabouts? :) :dopey:

rahvin. (naive knave)
Originally posted by rahvin
i mean, don't you think it's very nice of him to keep flowing even those times that - frankly - i've had more than enough of swings and roundabouts? :) :dopey:
:rolleyes: :lol: :p :p :p

Siren (trying to convince her blood it has no rights :loco: )
Welcome Sargoth :)

as for me,i am not new,but i have returned from a long abscence :D
yup,2 (maybe 3 days???) can be consider a long absence for a forum addict like me....
Hi, I'm new here! :mad: :)
I like Opeth, Arcturus, Nasum, In Flames, Helstar, Otyg, Soilwork, Gardenian, Symphony X etc etc and of course the obvious....

And I think it's about time I go to bed... Bye!
We can all give space corpse the credit of know he can read thread clearly marked for newbies :lol:

Anyone else notice that the newbies who post here never actually keep posting in the forum :confused:
This thread is doomed

Siren (who recalls that she never posted as newbie in this thread in the first place............)
Originally posted by Final_Vision

Anyone else notice that the newbies who post here never actually keep posting in the forum :confused:
<--- This one did... :p Very unfortunate for you all. :lol:
well after treading such many dead bodies I come to welcom sargoth (hope you find here some REAL METAL HEADS, though don't count me in *yawn* ) and welcome you to spacecorpse who kind of you being a corpse already ;)

fathervic (not having to kill to pass over a dead body is half the work done :loco: )
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