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welcome on board, sean :)

@rahvin: guess what? i've got a new interesting hobby! :hotjump: polishing knives :devil:

/me (guns are overrated)
@rahvin: you might have been sweating on glaciers but at least you're not hung over.

@alfred: BIG ILARIA RULES! :lol:

*trying to make sense of my silly life amidst stabs of pain*
@catalyst korps: i'm forgetful too. welcome a-board :D :bah: :p

@rei: it doesn't do well to your image to keep threatening me while i'm just being kind and telling everybody what a wonderful person you are. :saint:

@hyena: i've got some sort of permanent hangover when i think about tomorrow night. an hangover in anticipation :rolleyes:

@alfred: yep man, big ilaria über alles. *ouch* :)

Hummm... the italian attack to the board has done, it seems. First Rahvin, followed by Alfred and now I can smell the pizza's aroma from my location! :D

Out of my usual stupid jokes, you're quite welcome here, my italian ones. Hyena, your life is silly 'cos you need a robot in your life! :loco:

@Rei: I wish to taste that chupi and delicious italian cooking, wanna meet this weekend? ;)

@Sean... er... F_V: Someone trying to steal your identity? Is the FBI following your steps? What was your crime? (Who said that the metalheads preserve their mental health?)

(|nsanity and) |ngenius :confused:
it's the other way around. i need a robot in my life because my life is silly.

hyena (eternity awaits)
@rahvin: my image? this new hobby simply does me good: as you can see my golden sphere is more glittering than ever :saint:
besides, tell me why should i threaten a nice and kind and caring and lovely guy like you? i'd never ever think about it :rolleyes:
you got me wrong: i'm just polishing the cutlery for those wild boars you're going to hunt :lol:

@|ngenius: to me it's ok, my dearest robot :)
third net right, then straight through fifty gateways or so and there you are ;)
if you get lost... send me a ping :p

/me (not a material girl)
reitoei: your golden sphere?
Oh Jeez :D we have an angel!!
Let me guess.. blond hairs, light brown hairs..

so, I'm a sort of new "creature" here.. is there somebody that wanna talk to me?
@witch: welcome to the board, witch! while you wait to see us all in the full glory of our shining avatars and signatures, enjoy your stay and feel free to post at will.

btw, rei really is an angel but she will tear off your skin and feed it to hellhounds if you say that too much. :)

rahvin. (somewhere in limbo)
@witch: welcome on board, enjoy your stay :)
btw, yes my avatar's a golden sphere but i'm not gonna see it for a while or so :cry:

@rahvin: hm, my cats need feeding right now... come closer :devil:

@fathervic: what? it's quite unpolite to speak while you're eating, don't you know? :p
hell, everything full with italians! seems since you do this country-wide strike-thingy, nothing works except the internet... now get back to yout jobs before you are fired within several days :lol:

/VC - messing with foreign politics without having the slightest idea of the actual backgrounds :):)
Originally posted by VultureCulture
/VC - messing with foreign politics without having the slightest idea of the actual backgrounds :):)

don't worry: we don't either. :D

besides, i guess there are still much more sweden/finland boys and girls than italians on this board. :p

rahvin. (messing with nationality without having the slightest idea of the reason why)
Originally posted by witch
@VC: what about Italian People? :Shedevil:
whatever.. I'm home now, left job 3 hours ago..

are you from italy too? :eek:

ok guys, this time i'm innocent, i assure you it's nobody i know...

... or are you, witch? :confused: :p

rahvin. (watching his - own - back, with some difficulty)
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