I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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ehmmmm........ welcome :)
hmmmmm how should i say this?.....i have a feeling that some people hmmm errrr won't be so happy viewing this thread :p

dear,newbie,please read the thread on the top
Ok then :p

And don't worry bout sensible or not, i'm sure the board police can look the other way for ppl over 2000 spa...err posts :D
PapiVic, i don't want to insult you, but i think you missed the verb.. :rolleyes:

Siren (spammity spam)
ha, why would people be unhappy?

tell me more about yourself.......job, car, school. I am bored today cause im grounded, parents found my friends bong in my room, how ironic....he hid it under my bed cause "i never get caught for anything" (lol)

anyways, yeah i am a lifeguard and i drive a 67 firebird cherry red, 350hp but hopefully soon my dad will help me out with a 454!!!!!!!
This could have been posted in the "I'm New" thread since this is a slow moving board.

Welcome to the board anyways. :)

As for my job--I have a part-time one shelving books (well... more like looking at the picture of Gollum in the illustrated Hobbit book :D ), have no car, and I go to school in a library tech program.

If you wish to know more about me, read the beginning section in the "I'm New" thread.
Originally posted by KozmikOwnsYou
oh yeah n anyone from CA?

I live in the San Gabriel Valley. So... the answer is 'yes'.
I don't live in California, I don't live in the real world, I never read anything on here, never heard of Dark TranquiLity ever (notice the one 'L'? :D) and I think that pizza is the devil.
Someone help me find my lost memory, damned student life has left is buried somewhere :lol:
In absence of Rahvin, someone has to do this unpleasant work.

@Kozmik "I'm so bored and I wanna know about people from a board where I never posted before, and moreover I don't read the first thread of the board marked as "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING", because I'm not that intelligent at all" (this is the looong alias, I assume): You're... welcome... but read the first thread of this board, please, there are some rules that will change you life and will turn your world upside down.

|ngenius (The policeman)
@kozmikownsyou: take a nice good look around, will ya? ;)

@the_others: why do you post 16 replies when you know his thread will get merged? are you so desperate i took half a day away? :p

@|ngenius: thanks :)

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