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cry about it ingenius, big FN deal, so what i didnt read the first damn post, now i know. Hahahahahaa, i just pictured you as the fat comic book store guy in the simpsons that gets off on correcting other people mistakes.
I have a special touch making new friends, hehehe. Thank you, my beloved newbie.

I should admit one thing, to maintain the sincerity I often feel proud of: the comment about the intelligence of my new friend was a straight shoot, so excuse me, I am an unpolite robot. You have my right permission to feel a deep hate towards me, but if you have any consideration to my preferences, love me, it's kinda hurtless.

And respect Rahvin, he's the milkman who makes prevail our physical and mental safety (and correct our writting mistakes).


Originally posted by KozmikOwnsYou
yes a water polo game, its this thing studs play. :)

the game where lots of nearly naked guys move, aquirm and touch each other inside a pool?
I'll teach you how to be a stud, sometime :p
Originally posted by KozmikOwnsYou
cry about it ingenius, big FN deal, so what i didnt read the first damn post, now i know. Hahahahahaa, i just pictured you as the fat comic book store guy in the simpsons that gets off on correcting other people mistakes.

Worst post ever. :)
Originally posted by Thanatos
I'll teach you how to be a stud, sometime :p
You know it can't be taught friend, it's something you either have or don't. Keeping your hair away from sharp objects is good advice of course.
How about going to tanning salons and wearing hemp necklaces? Also wearing A&F clothes (no offense to anyone who does). :lol:

Anyways, the guys here don't need any practice or help in being hot. ;)
Originally posted by KozmikOwnsYou
cry about it ingenius, big FN deal, so what i didnt read the first damn post, now i know. Hahahahahaa, i just pictured you as the fat comic book store guy in the simpsons that gets off on correcting other people mistakes.
:confused: How did the MTV kids find out about Dark Tranquillity? :rolleyes:
how typical of you guys to think that just because i am a stud and play water polo that i am an "MTV" kid. I mean yeah i have NO metal freinds at school i hang out with all the incrowd, the metal people at my school are little pale weirdos that wear NSYNC one day then DIMMU BORGIR the other............................hey i am just a jock with a really good taste in music, sorry for trying to make some ONLINE Metal friends during the time that i am bored cause im grounded. And no you dont shave your legs in water polo thats Swimming, which i did anyways my time dropped from 22.67 to 21.82 on my 50 free. And no i dont go to a tanning salon, i get my tan from being in the pool so much............and water polo is hardcore you get your ass kicked in there if your not a stud. Besides the speedos are for the ladys to look at ;-) and trust me, plenty look this way.
Hey Kozmik,

Hehe, the tanning bed thing was a reference to... something that I saw long ago, not specifically to you. :p Why do you wish to befriend us anyways?

Is it difficult to fit in with the in-crowd? Too bad about the metal fans at your school... I'm a metal fan, I am also weird and have pale skin, but don't like n'sick. As for friends, I have none......

okay I have a few, but most people think I want stab them with large knifes so they don't wish to be my friends. :( Are you really that much of a stud as you say you are? Then post some pictures. :D BTW-I am female, so I can have a say in how attractive guys are. :p
woo hoo mouse wings, no i dont have trouble with friends, i have many many friends, an over exceding amount to be exact, haha there is people that think im there friend yet i dont even know their names. Im just bored of not being able to talk metal with my friends at school if i say something like "hey guys how about DARK TRANQUILLITY?" they will be like "Dark what?.........HEY LOOK AT THAT BABE, SHES GOT AN ASS!!!" haha my friends are great but reguardless i need to elucidate my metal needs. LOL. actually i thought it would be a good idea since im grounded for this week and i have nothing better to do. but yeah thats the case, oh and about those pictures mouse, my friend has some on her PC cause she has a digital cam. ill tell her to send me em so i can send em to you
Originally posted by KozmikOwnsYou
how typical of you guys to think that just because i am a stud and play water polo that i am an "MTV" kid.
Funny, why do you think you are the MTV kid? ;)
Now seriously, if you hadn’t used such language to introduce yourself in your first 5 posts, I wouldn’t have made the remark about MTV. May be it would’ve been a good idea to get acquainted with the rules, threads and the atmosphere of the forum.
I’m not perfect and also learn some of the important stuff the hard way, but I try not to boss around and insult people I’d later like to share my thoughts with.

Welcome and have fun, this is a very nice place to be. :p
@kozmik: since i started writing stuff about you on another thread i might as well do it here. being female i reckon that attractive guys are a nice feature of this universe (although no, i do not want your pictures, since you're 16 and i'm 24 + i'm not into illegal stuff except when it concerns Wanderingblade). BUT i will also tell you that while some arrogance is good - refer to my 24k post on the "how do you feel" thread to get a feel of what i mean - and it can be a turn-on, too much of it is just going to make you look insecure and all the less attractive.

i do realize that the in-your-face attitude might be caused, as already stated, by weird reactions you get at school, like "How can that jock dare to listen to metal?" - of course this is nonsense, you should dress the way you like, cut your hair the way you like, play whatever damn sport you like and be free to choose your music notwithstanding. please understand that you won't generally get this kind of stupid disrespect on here - you can relax now. we're not out to get you and i, for one, like the concept of doing something that is totally at odds with what would be expected.

this brings me to answer your question about job/car/whatever: i'm a researcher in Italy's central bank (that would be the Fed for you in the states), I drive a ridiculous yellow Ford KA that will do 170km/h ALSO if full of people and luggage stuff, and I definitely take pride in showing off that I make loads of money and hang out with power players when possible. Also, rahvin is my best friend and he might not be a power player but, hey, the little guy's smart. Plus, his car stereo tops mine anytime. ;)

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