IMBB Most Wanted List

Maskim_Xul said:
Nocturial deserves to have the shit kicked out of him. Might take a while due to the enormity of his ass (has to use a sponge to wipe ya know) Ah well he'll probably die soon so we can all be happier
I still wonder about that. We exchanged a few mails a few years ago, and he seemed idea what the problem is.

Oh and I should have logged in under my own name (Ran Mori, aka Beldaran the Sourceress) but I'm laaaazy.
Yes he always seemed nice but I guess a lot of evil bastards do to start with, don't they? To put it bluntly he was highly posessive (wouldn't let me go out with my friends, would ring me up all the time if I did go out, resented it if I went to family events), he constantly doubted my fidelity without any proof, he never ever put himself out for me, made me do everything for him, treated me like a piece of meat and to top it all off he couldn't take no for an answer. When someone's saying no, crying and pushing you away you don't carry on trying to have sex with them. He made me feel disgusting and dirty, he made me do things I didn't want to do and wasn't ready to do by emotionally blackmailing me, he said if I loved him I'd do it for him.

Thankfully he never managed to take my virginity, that honour went to my love Maskim_Xul, who I have recently got engaged to :D
Lady Vampy said:
Yes he always seemed nice but I guess a lot of evil bastards do to start with, don't they? To put it bluntly he was highly posessive (wouldn't let me go out with my friends, would ring me up all the time if I did go out, resented it if I went to family events), he constantly doubted my fidelity without any proof, he never ever put himself out for me, made me do everything for him, treated me like a piece of meat and to top it all off he couldn't take no for an answer. When someone's saying no, crying and pushing you away you don't carry on trying to have sex with them. He made me feel disgusting and dirty, he made me do things I didn't want to do and wasn't ready to do by emotionally blackmailing me, he said if I loved him I'd do it for him.

Thankfully he never managed to take my virginity, that honour went to my love Maskim_Xul, who I have recently got engaged to :D
I first guy was like that, though less obsessive regarding family and stuff, but more obsessed with sex and evil and such.
You came out lucky then - he did manage to nearly rape - enough to get me pregnant (and have a miscarriage). Took me years to get over this. But I'm fine with it now, it's been ages, and it's past.
Sorry to hear you had to go through that same shit aswell.....and yes, they always appear nice. My family was angry with me for years cos I broke off with him.

But sometimes.... Kwitzy is nice, has been from the first beginning and he's REALLY nice.
Oh and congrats on the engagement! Hope it works out!

......sorry to have interrupted this topic with this, carry on everyone. :)
Lady Vampy said:
Oh Ran, I never knew *hugs* I'm so pleased that you and Kwitzy are so happy, I hope me and my man have as good a marriage as you two :)
Well I need to get married for that first....and I'm not going to. ;) :p You couldn't know, Kwitz and I have been together for 3 years now, looking for a home now, but no, we're not getting married.
I've been proposed to once, and that guy disappeared a month later, so I decided that I'd rather go with a guy who stays with me cos he says so rather than someone who wants to marry me.

....carry on everyone.
Any man who tries to force himself upon a woman should have his BALLS cut off!!! I'M hijacking the thread! LOL I had to say it, though.
I don't waste my hate on online unknowns, however much their opinions annoy me. Most of them are only doing it for effect.
I have made several true friends via that place though. Many of them on a lot of people's hated lists.
TxBraSlinger said:
I know I'm on alot of people's shit list as of lately. :(
not that u,ll be bothered but ur on mine,i was only having a luagh on the maiden bb but u seem to think i was hitting on u,dont flatter urself love,iam not DESPERATE
silentplanetscot said:
not that u,ll be bothered but ur on mine,i was only having a luagh on the maiden bb but u seem to think i was hitting on u,dont flatter urself love,iam not DESPERATE

You know? I actually felt some remorse for you at one time because I knew you were having a hard time w/ your child. He seems like a great kid. Wish I could say the same for his dad.