IMBB Most Wanted List

IainDuncanSmith said:
SPS is a twat.

That is an understatement. The guy viciously attacks people when they're feeling down & volnerable, & then turns around & makes it sound like he's the only one w/ problems because of his son, using him as an EXCUSE to treat others like shit. The man is PATHETIC & SICK.
He is now on MY shitlist as well.
Not to mention, I would never go out w/ the loser if he was the last man on Earth! *GAG* I am also NOT THAT DESPERATE.
silentplanetscot said:
if i learn to write then what will u laugh at?/ why spoil ur fun?

iam idolised by u! why esle would u have my pic


Don't flatter YOURSELF. The only reason people acknowledge you around here is for a good laugh because you act like a total RETARD. NOBODY likes you here, so get over yourself & GET LOST.
Ms Braslinger - don't waste time on that. We all know SPS can be like that, he can also be different but when he's in one of those moods again, best to leave him alone.
TxBraSlinger said:
Don't flatter YOURSELF. The only reason people acknowledge you around here is for a good laugh because you act like a total RETARD. NOBODY likes you here, so get over yourself & GET LOST.
Ran Mori said:
Ms Braslinger - don't waste time on that. We all know SPS can be like that, he can also be different but when he's in one of those moods again, best to leave him alone.

Yeah, he is a waste of time. I got better things to do than to wait for him to get back on his meds. :lol: Not like I understand a word that he's saying anyways. :lol:
silentplanetscot said:
ORANGUTAN,yes i saw u in the next cage to me u chimp


Yes, as keeper of the place, I was feeding your high on drugs, baboon foster parent, you dribbling, shit eating, male skirt wearing, manifestation of a drunkard's nightmare.