Introduction thread

Well hello there. Finally decided to find a Turisas forum after seeing them again at Bloodstock yesterday.

I am LR33, hungover and unable to scrub the red paint off my face. The former is often true, the latter, only generally after I see Turisas. I live in York (Yorvik as called by the Vikings) in England.

Hello all!
Hi, my name is Anne, come from West Germany, 20 years old but not a longtime Turisas Fan. I had known them for 3 years and then saw them in Wacken last month. The best concert i´ve ever seen :)
And now I´m here.
yay, someone from close to where I actually live (Cologne) - welcome around here, nice you found your way to join :D
ah in Kerpen, of my friends also used to live there ;)
yeah, we have some Germans on here, but they are rather not THAT active -.-
Viva Colonia :D
So you speak german I think?! Nice =). My english is not the best, but I´m going to try, so everyone here can understand me.
Perhaps we will see each other at the next Turisas Tour in Cologne.
Yes, I do speak German since I am originally German and only temporarily live in Finland ;)
Oh come on, most people on here dont have English as a mother´s tongue, so dont worry - we understand you, therefore it´s all right :)
Yeah, or somewhere around, going to be in Dortmund for some gigs (Papa Roach and Sonata Arctica), so... ;)
I am, at the momentm doing a work-experience in Vaasa (FIN), but from December on I am back in Germany again :)
noone has to worry about her/his English - and: the more one practises, the better the language-skills become ;)
it mostly is...probably also because there is nothing to discuss about like gigs or such...will be more lively once the next album is somewhen out XD