Is 80's Metallica overrated?

wut wut

Apr 22, 2008
I think so.

I see too many people point to 80's Metallica as the pinnacle of the metal genre.
Kill 'Em All maybe. The rest, no. I mean any band is overrated by its fanboys (even Opeth), but in general, no they are not.
Hmmm... I've always thought so. 80's metallica was my first metal ever.. And I was obsessed with And Justice For All for nearly a decade.. But yes they are overated.. Very..

I'm so sad that I didn't know about the other amazing bands of the 80's at the time. I was so sheltered!! But all in all, metallica is a crusty old turd
80's Metallica has an influence and popularity that is unmatched, and it is in fact at the pinnacle of the metal genre. They're overrated in your opinion, but they're not overrated. They may not be the most commonly popular metal band among individual fans, but they are still the most popular metal band.
If we are talking about 80's metallica exclusively, which we are, than hell no.
You would be kidding yourself to think othrerwise.

They defined a whole generation of metal, same a black sabbath for their era, and you could possibly put in pantera for the 90's.
lol ok I'm gonna go ahead and say this at the risk of sounding like a complete Metallica fanboy.

I mentioned in another thread that I feel that Metallica are masters at constructing songs. They can create a song that, while it never strays too far from common song structures, remains fresh and unique after decades of over-listening and over-playing. They've displayed this talent since Kill 'Em All (not so much recently, though DM was ok). I'm a bit surprised by some of your opinions, as Metallica in these early days had a very noticeable progressive influence (again, they've exhibited this influence in their songs since their debut). Also, the riffs...I need not say more about them. They are an example of an objectively "good" metal band imo; you don't fill large arenas on word-of-mouth and limited radio airplay alone if you're a band that only some people would enjoy (like Opeth)...and they were doing this before their major commercial breakthrough (The Black Album). So, to answer your question, I don't feel they're overrated...they are justly and deservedly held in high regard.
If you can think of another metal band that managed Metallica's combination of popularity and quality, and that appears on personal lists of favorite metal albums as much as Metallica. Then you can say yes. Don't just say yes because "well they're obviously not the pinnacle of metal because I like Opeth better;" any band is overrated then.

Personally, saying '80s Metallica is overrated in the realm of metal is like saying Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or Black Sabbath are overrated in the realm of rock. If you honestly think so, fine. But when bands have classics that last for decades, not always, but often, some quality is involved believe it or not. And for the record Metallica are not my favorite band, metal band, and they only make the top 10 on a good day.
On a similar note, I think as far as 80s metal bands and their influence, Bathory doesn't get the attention they deserve by far.
"Better" is opinion. Achievements can be argued but about as objective as you can get with music.
I don't think 80s Metallica is over-rated. This could be maybe said about their later success, but I really hate the over-rated discussion with bands such as this anyway. So, maybe they weren't the best band around, but they were doing the right thing in the right time, had some luck and were good enough too and this made them highly successful. Is this so hard to accept without always going to the "over-ratedness" -discussion?
Okay, to steer the question to something more specific...

Do you think any other 80's metal band, based on the quality of the music alone, deserved Metallica's stardom more?

Was Metallica really the most innovative and catchy metal band of their day? Or do you think that there were other accessible bands that could have gotten as popular as Metallica, had they gotten the same good breaks in the business (as any mega popular band needs to get that far)?
they are extremly overrated yes.. yes they might be slightly better than other bands of that genre.. but fuck no, they are not the only metal band out there.

keep in mind that everyone on this earh has heard of Metallica, but like one per million heard of Death Angel, and like 1 per 2 billions heard of Oracle, two bands which I like alot more than Metallica..

they also suck live. seen them twice.