Is 80's Metallica overrated?

1984: Ride the Lightening
1986: Master of Puppets

and the true other-worldly masterpiece...

1988:...And Justice For All

Now, how much can three fantastically ground-breaking metal albums be overrated? May the whole world get together and rate these albums as much as possible, still these three cannot be OVERrated. and you know what, this is not a matter of clinging to the past or saying "they had it better back then." hell no! just go on and put the justice album in your player. can you honestly tell me an album from that era that even remotely comes close to what they achieved there?

can you?
^finally, we agree on something. the first 4 metallica albums are fucking UNTOUCHABLE, if you think that some other stupid fake metal band is better, then you are just disillusioned, fact is metallica ruled the earth during the 80s, and nobody has even touched them since
Glad other people feel the same way. The first four albums are mind blowing. It warped my childhood and thats all I listened too was old metallica because i was so fascinated by the faster, heavier, dont give a fuck attitude they had. Yes some people hate them, think their overrated, but in my eyes they've achieved so much. They will always be one of my favorites regardless of what happens.
KEA, RTL and MOP are classics. AJFA is a little bit overrated, but it is awesome too. But, then again, Magadeth and Slayer are better.
I sense a war here.
KEA, RTL and MOP are classics. AJFA is a little bit overrated, but it is awesome too. But, then again, Magadeth and Slayer are better.
I sense a war here.

mop is if anything overrated while ajfa is underrated. ajfa got the best riffs, best solos, best drums, best bass... hey what? yea but still :headbang:

Read the title of the topic and OP before you talk shit.

BTW Death angel mostly sucks...mayhap you meant Dark angel.

I did, obviously. can't see anything wrong with my answer.

I liked Metallica's stuff when I was like 10, but that's because I hadn't heard anything else yet. Now they are just another band in an ocean of similiar ones.
and Death Angel are so great it's unbelievable. Thrown To The Wolves has the best thr4ash metal riff ever made.. both the main riff and the verse riff.!
Fact is, '80s Metallica is NOT over-rated in any way, for obvious reasons. They were genre breakers. When Metallica first hit the seen, nothing like it was ever heard. That's why they blew so many minds, including mine. To say they're over-rated is to show complete ignorance in many of the posters here. Many of which were probably either shitting their diapers or swimming around in Dad's balls when Metallica hit the seen. The popularity they gained back in the '80s has nothing to do with being over-rated. They DESERVE that popularity!! Many people here feel that there are so many bands out there who don't get the recognition they deserve. I can't disagree with that at all, but I DO disagree with the opinion-clouded dimwits who say those other bands were just as influencial. BULLSHIT!! It is a known fact that bands that are LESS popular are generally LESS influencial. Maybe there were better (by opinion) bands somewhere out there (who knows for sure?), but if they're not known, who the hell are they going to influence?:erk: Even Megadeth wasn't as influencial as Metallica, because Mustaine's band was an off-shoot of Metallica. Ever here The Mechanix by Megadeth? Ever hear The Four Horsemen by Metallica? Do the math...

Kids, clean the shit out of your ears and go grab your Dad's copy of Puppets, and get blown away. If you were there, you'd know how it felt.

Personally I think PRESENT-DAY Metallica sucks horribly, and they haven't added a damn thing to the world of music since ...And Justice..., but that doesn't effect my feelings for the band's '80s material; and the FACT that they were NEVER over-rated back then.

My .02!
I think it's one of their most idiotic things they had ever done. If I were Jason, I would have sued them.
1984: Ride the Lightening
1986: Master of Puppets

and the true other-worldly masterpiece...

1988:...And Justice For All

Now, how much can three fantastically ground-breaking metal albums be overrated? May the whole world get together and rate these albums as much as possible, still these three cannot be OVERrated. and you know what, this is not a matter of clinging to the past or saying "they had it better back then." hell no! just go on and put the justice album in your player. can you honestly tell me an album from that era that even remotely comes close to what they achieved there?

can you?

agreed, those albums are probably the best ever
Lars Ulrich is overrated.

Oh yes. The music in the old Metallica albums stands the test of time just fine, but for the life of me, I can't hear what the hell the big deal about Ulrich was, and I remember being in "awe" of his "superior skills" that made him "the best metal drummer ever". Listening 20 years later I just hear a plodding, bland, boring drummer, who doesn't know where his ride cymbal is.
lol when will people learn that their personal tastes have nothing to do with whether or not something is overrated. You can't just say "I lyk teh Jonas Brothers better imo so Metallica iz overrated kk?" Like I said earlier, find me *ONE* metal band that had Metallica's popularity, innovation, and skill (Must have all 3) and I'll admit they're overrated. Seriously, hurry up and do it, because without such proof no one here can possibly justify calling Metallica overrated.

I agree about Lars Ulrich though.