Is 80's Metallica overrated?

If you can't hear the 80's in the riffs of songs such as "Hit the Lights" and "Fight Fire With Fire"...

Well, let's just say, maybe you weren't around in the 80's. Saying that the albums stand the test of time is fine, but when you say that the albums could come out tomorrow and nobody would even think that they have an oldschool feel... well then you're crossing from a valid and reasonable opinion into pure fanboy drivel.
No, I think Kill em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets and ...And Justice for All are simply sublime metal albums that are also very essential, ones that not only are extremely good, are also extremely influential to the metal genre.
If you can't hear the 80's in the riffs of songs such as "Hit the Lights" and "Fight Fire With Fire"...

Well, let's just say, maybe you weren't around in the 80's. Saying that the albums stand the test of time is fine, but when you say that the albums could come out tomorrow and nobody would even think that they have an oldschool feel... well then you're crossing from a valid and reasonable opinion into pure fanboy drivel.

lol Fight Fire with Fire has no riffs that sound 80's.

Also, I don't get what point you're trying to make. Your argument is purely hypothetical. Of course it would sound "oldschool" if it was released, as is, tomorrow. But you can't assume, in this hypothetical scenario, that they would release the album is it is. The influence of the music from earlier decades (from, incidentally, bands of Metallica's stature) would have changed the music, probably into something that sounds nothing like what they released. This all sounds extremely arbitrary doesn't it?
^finally, we agree on something. the first 4 metallica albums are fucking UNTOUCHABLE, if you think that some other stupid fake metal band is better, then you are just disillusioned, fact is metallica ruled the earth during the 80s, and nobody has even touched them since

Metallica's music stands the test of time, any of their albums could of been released today and would sound fresh. There's not too many 80's bands that can say that about their music

Even if you pretend for a second they don't have a dated sound, they wouldn't sound fresh simply because those albums influenced a shitload of music in the past 20 years. You put Hendrix to play right now and he isn't pioneering anything, since his influence is already assimilated all over the place.

What I think when I say "Metallica's old stuff stands the test of time" is not that it would sound fresh right now - it wouldn't. What I mean with that (I said the same thing elsewhere in this thread) is that, even while dated, it still sounds GOOD, which is something I certainly can't say of everything I listened to back in the late 80's/early 90's that I deemed "good".
What I think when I say "Metallica's old stuff stands the test of time" is not that it would sound fresh right now - it wouldn't. What I mean with that (I said the same thing elsewhere in this thread) is that, even while dated, it still sounds GOOD, which is something I certainly can't say of everything I listened to back in the late 80's/early 90's that I deemed "good".

Now THIS is reasonable.
For the people that are NOW comparing Metallica with Iron Maiden, they are 2 TOTALLY different bands. This leads the thread off-topic.

This may be my opinion, but I think Maiden and Metallica had close to equal influence over metal as we know it today. Which is shit-loads of influence!! Influence to different styles of metal bands, that is. This, to me, means neither band is "over-rated" (back on topic?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
If you can't hear the 80's in the riffs of songs such as "Hit the Lights" and "Fight Fire With Fire"...

Well, let's just say, maybe you weren't around in the 80's. Saying that the albums stand the test of time is fine, but when you say that the albums could come out tomorrow and nobody would even think that they have an oldschool feel... well then you're crossing from a valid and reasonable opinion into pure fanboy drivel.

sorry i totally disagree with you.
most bands seem to be influence-less back then. I can't say Metallica were too goundbreaking compared to lots of other bands. monkey hitting stone with a stick wins that discussion.
I judge music by how good it is, not how old or what status it has. I leave that to the emos.

that's like people saying "how can you not like Black Sabbath!? If it wasn't for them, none of your music would exist today!"
do I have to like their music then? (oh well, I do :kickass:)

sorry if none of this made sence.
most bands seem to be influence-less back then. I can't say Metallica were too goundbreaking compared to lots of other bands. monkey hitting stone with a stick wins that discussion.

Metallica themselves were influenced heavily by Iron Maiden. I'd actually say Maiden were the true groundbreakers, since their sound can easily be heard in Metallica's 80's stuff. And Maiden were just as big in the 80's as Met... headlining arenas and everything.
most bands seem to be influence-less back then. I can't say Metallica were too goundbreaking compared to lots of other bands. monkey hitting stone with a stick wins that discussion.
I judge music by how good it is, not how old or what status it has. I leave that to the emos.

that's like people saying "how can you not like Black Sabbath!? If it wasn't for them, none of your music would exist today!"
do I have to like their music then? (oh well, I do :kickass:)

sorry if none of this made sence.

There's a difference between disliking something and calling it overrated. You're allowed to dislike any music you want. When you say Metallica is overrated, you're not saying you dislike them, you're denying the influence they had. So now that I've cleared things up for you, I'll let you reconsider, is '80s Metallica overrated? Please forget your personal opinions of their 4 little CDs and instead consider the countless sounds they've delivered you in the form of heavily influencing other bands.