Is 80's Metallica overrated?

ff topic:
anything who went to a Metallica show lately who recognise this: (.... = the city/country)
James: ......!! Thaanks so much!!
Kirk: You mother's fuckers are great! thank yoou! (or "taack!")
Rob: Hey! let me get a HUE!. HAAH!. HUUUH!. thank you very much! (or "tak so mjuke", which he said in Stockholm)
Lars: Am I the only one who think metallica should come to ...... more than every tenth fucking year!? thank you ....!

I've seen them say this EXACT same thing after Seek and Destroy 4 times the last 2 years.. coinsidence?
I didn't want to start a new thread.
This is about *80's* metallica, pay attention.

YOU should pay attention :p coz he said offtopic before he posts haha,
anyways.. about the question, no i don't think that metallica is overrated, they added SO much to the metal genre in the 80s, simply coz the metal scene was falling back then, the rise of the glam shit !! so they brought something that all the true metal fans were waiting for, from lyrics to songwriting ! but that was just in the 80s ! I imagine Opeth, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Dan Swanö would have the same popularity if they were playing their own stuff in the early 80s, simply coz it's something new to the table. I think 80s Metallica stuff are really better than Slayer's, Megadeth, Testament and the like, although i love those bands as well ! The problem is after the black album came out, metallica became known world wide in the non-metal communities, but people didn't know why they were great !! it was becoz of their 4 masterpieces not becoz of Black Album !! plus, they themselves probably wanted to attract more fans from different musical genre but they sucked so hard, i don't actually like any album of theirs after Black Album (only coz i have a special feelings towards it the fact that it's my first metal album i've ever listened to) apart from really few songs. About their success, it's really hard to be achieve theirs, matter of fact is that they became like the gate to the heavy metal world here in Tunisia.. and maybe in some other places.
I haven't read the replies and here I come with facts that end this thread:

80's metallica is rated so highly because it was GROUNDBREAKING AT THE TIME. just like kerry king said: "if we had released reign in blood today, no one would give a shit"

if those albums were released today they wouldn't have the same influence and effect on the scene, but they were fucking TWENTY years ago. music evolves to match people's likings. someone comes up with a new style that is groundbreaking, and they do break the ground to pieces, and then everybody likes that music, so every band imitates that music and in the end the elements of that music become predictable and less entertaining. but that doesn't make the original album predictable and boring because it was awesome for its time.

same applies to metallica which is one of the most popular and best selling acts ever and must have been imitated by millions of other bands and their music has shaped the metal as we hear it today. so it's fucking SHIT when a fag born in 1990 (dunno about the OP I'm talking in general) says 80's metallica is overrated or something. it's like saying "the voodoo 2 is overrated, even my new $50 video card kicks its ass"

and incredibly, it's 2009 and metallica's first 4 albums (maybe excluding kill'em all) are still not boring the slightest, they have great musicianship and playing, and still super satisfying to listen to.

this post ends this thread and is non-disagreeable with. now, go.
lol when will people learn that their personal tastes have nothing to do with whether or not something is overrated.

Anyone can easily believe that a band (or a song, or a certain epoch of a band...) is overrated. If you think that, generally, people seem to love something too much and you don't really see why they do, then it's overrated (for you, yes). The actual question is "DO YOU THINK Metallica's 80 is overrated?".

I agree about Lars Ulrich though.

Point out something, and contradict yourself right after. Hmm ok, you agree with Lars Ulrich being nothing special, for being overrated, but that's still opinion and personnal taste.

Also, Annihilat0r seems to be right about the circumstance being the major factor of success. But hey! That's how life is, everything is about circumstances.
Anyone can easily believe that a band (or a song, or a certain epoch of a band...) is overrated. If you think that, generally, people seem to love something too much and you don't really see why they do, then it's overrated (for you, yes). The actual question is "DO YOU THINK Metallica's 80 is overrated?".

Point out something, and contradict yourself right after. Hmm ok, you agree with Lars Ulrich being nothing special, for being overrated, but that's still opinion and personnal taste.

Also, Annihilat0r seems to be right about the circumstance being the major factor of success. But hey! That's how life is, everything is about circumstances.

You can technically say everything about music is subjective but the fact is, some of it gets so damn close to objective that you have to nitpick to deny it. For example, Mozart is musically superior to Fallout Boy. Sure it's subjective, but if you deny it you kinda need to gtfo, everyone pretty much agrees on that. Similarly, you cannot look at music that defined a huge fucking genre and make an ass of yourself saying it's just another band.

And of course I can say Lars Ulrich is overrated; he didn't revolutionize aspects of music and on his own he is not one of the most popular acts of all time. That's pretty harmless I think; for instance, it's much more acceptable to say you don't like Robert Plant's voice than to say Led Zeppelin is mediocre.

Personally, I get really tired of all the extreme thinkers on this board. On one hand, we have assholes like Arasmas that post as if they are God's gift to the earth and as if everyone else's opinion is inferior regardless of what the actual opinion is. On the other hand, we have people that nitpick every friggin post with shit like "you forgot to say IMO" or whatever because everything is subjective and if a member claims that recording audio of his bowel movements is more interesting than Opeth or Metallica then he is perfectly justified and shouldn't be refuted at all.

lol, short rant over
Even Megadeth wasn't as influencial as Metallica, because Mustaine's band was an off-shoot of Metallica. Ever here The Mechanix by Megadeth? Ever hear The Four Horsemen by Metallica? Do the math...

My .02!

horrid example considering mustaine wrote the main riff, if not the majority of that song, before the rest of metallica ever came into the picture - iirc.

otherwise, metallica's first 4 (I'd dare say even first 5) albums rule and were truly groundbreaking for the time period. you put on any generic brutal dm band and it'll bore me to tears but you put on ajfa and I'll pay attention the entire way through.

personally I think the black album isn't as much of a "failure" as some people say it was. sure, thats when they started to write more "mainstream" sounding songs, that got true radio-play and had real hooks and choruses. but bob rock did their production a world of good. tbh the black album is one of the top 5 best metal productions/mixes I've ever heard. the drums sound amazing, and the bass actually sounds great in the mix (and it's very present). and the songs still kick-ass, even though every single person on the planet has heard "enter sandman" at least once. after I skip that song, it's an amazing record for the time.

just my opinion, take it or leave it folks.
Don't read this, it's pure bullshit. Thank you.

You can technically say everything about music is subjective but the fact is, some of it gets so damn close to objective that you have to nitpick to deny it. For example, Mozart is musically superior to Fallout Boy. Sure it's subjective, but if you deny it you kinda need to gtfo, everyone pretty much agrees on that. Similarly, you cannot look at music that defined a huge fucking genre and make an ass of yourself saying it's just another band.

If it (seems to) gets damn close, you must be aware that it's only because you are losing the notion of subjectivity. I don't personnally think that Fallout Boy are musically superior to Mozart, but I don't think this statement is true/false. Main reason : what defines musical superiority is not specified, and even if you tried, it's something that varies from one to another. Second point, if "everyone" agres on something doesn't mean anything. Saying that as an argument is a sophism, because "everyone" could be wrong. If everyone in the world think you are crazy, and you think everyone in the world is crazy, who is crazy in the end? Pure subjectivity.

And of course I can say Lars Ulrich is overrated; he didn't revolutionize aspects of music and on his own he is not one of the most popular acts of all time. That's pretty harmless I think; for instance, it's much more acceptable to say you don't like Robert Plant's voice than to say Led Zeppelin is mediocre.

Fine if that's what makes (for you) something overrated or not. I personnally could disagree, though, and it will be totally justified.

people that nitpick every friggin post with shit like "you forgot to say IMO" or whatever because everything is subjective and if a member claims that recording audio of his bowel movements is more interesting than Opeth or Metallica then he is perfectly justified and shouldn't be refuted at all.

I'm not thinking I'm any superior to anyone, far from that, cause I ain't, I think. I only post shits like that when I feel someone doesn't get it. If someone says "Metallica is shit" I will understand "I don't like them". But when someone goes into details and really shows that they believe what they say isn't subjective at all, I feel that I need to say something on it. It sucks, I know, but that's the way I am.
I totally agree.

The black album is top notch.
Imo. Metallica dont have a bad track on that album.
horrid example considering mustaine wrote the main riff, if not the majority of that song, before the rest of metallica ever came into the picture - iirc.

otherwise, metallica's first 4 (I'd dare say even first 5) albums rule and were truly groundbreaking for the time period. you put on any generic brutal dm band and it'll bore me to tears but you put on ajfa and I'll pay attention the entire way through.

personally I think the black album isn't as much of a "failure" as some people say it was. sure, thats when they started to write more "mainstream" sounding songs, that got true radio-play and had real hooks and choruses. but bob rock did their production a world of good. tbh the black album is one of the top 5 best metal productions/mixes I've ever heard. the drums sound amazing, and the bass actually sounds great in the mix (and it's very present). and the songs still kick-ass, even though every single person on the planet has heard "enter sandman" at least once. after I skip that song, it's an amazing record for the time.

just my opinion, take it or leave it folks.

I don't think that many people think The Black Album is terrible, IMHO most people just exaggerate any disappointment because it's a departure from the material they loved, just like Opeth and Watershed. Personally I can't listen to it too often besides The Unforgiven and a couple of other songs, but that's more because I never could get into that more, for lack of a better word, "mainstream" metal sound. I mean I don't listen to Nevermore or Lamb of God either but that doesn't make those guys bad musicians.
horrid example considering mustaine wrote the main riff, if not the majority of that song, before the rest of metallica ever came into the picture - iirc.

otherwise, metallica's first 4 (I'd dare say even first 5) albums rule and were truly groundbreaking for the time period. you put on any generic brutal dm band and it'll bore me to tears but you put on ajfa and I'll pay attention the entire way through.

personally I think the black album isn't as much of a "failure" as some people say it was. sure, thats when they started to write more "mainstream" sounding songs, that got true radio-play and had real hooks and choruses. but bob rock did their production a world of good. tbh the black album is one of the top 5 best metal productions/mixes I've ever heard. the drums sound amazing, and the bass actually sounds great in the mix (and it's very present). and the songs still kick-ass, even though every single person on the planet has heard "enter sandman" at least once. after I skip that song, it's an amazing record for the time.

just my opinion, take it or leave it folks.

Not horrid at all. I think you kinda missed the point. Yes, Mustaine wrote that song. But which tune did you hear first? I bet it wasn't Mechanix. I think most people listening to 4 Horsemen at that time weren't thinking "Mustaine wrote this"; they're thinking, "Dude! Metallica:kickass:!!" Metallica had more influence than Megadeth (not opinion).:)

Maybe I was a little harsh on the Black Album. It was decent, and I actually really liked it when it first came out, but it offered nothing new. No less influencial but more to the radio listeners. IMO!

EDIT: Come to think of it, the Black album actually was another extremely influencial album!! Most of the radio "metal" heard today is heavily influenced by that.
Like I said earlier, find me *ONE* metal band that had Metallica's popularity, innovation, and skill (Must have all 3) and I'll admit they're overrated. Seriously, hurry up and do it, because without such proof no one here can possibly justify calling Metallica overrated.

I don't know how a band can be overrated unless they're massively popular. You and I seem to have different definitions of what "overrated" means, since you see popularity as one of the most important signs of a band's inherent quality. That's fine - it's why the topic is posed as a question rather than a statement of fact.

And some of you seem to be more passionate about this subject than I am. I simply stated that I find 80's Metallica to be overrated; I didn't even say that I dislike them. I hardly think that warrants 'retard' comments and exclamations about swimming in my daddy's balls, etc.

EDIT: lol, look, I even listed a Metallica album in the Top 10 Albums That Inspired You thread.

So much for me being a mindless Metallica basher.

To further illustrate Metallica's influence on the music industry, no doubt.

I don't argue how influential Metallica was on metal and the music scene in general. I'm strictly talking about their music on a personal level. When you listen to 80's Metallica today, does it hold up to the best of what metal has offered up in the last 20 years, or have they been surpassed?

Like I alluded to in my first post, the reason I'm asking this is because I still see 80's Metallica being regarded as 'the finest of what metal has to offer', even after all the music that emerged in the 90's and 00's. Usually I hear it from people who generally aren't into metal except for Metallica, but I thought I'd ask it here and see what kind of response it got.
Metallica's music stands the test of time, any of their albums could of been released today and would sound fresh. There's not too many 80's bands that can say that about their music
Master of Puppets and especially Ride the Lightning sound distinctly 80's to me.

I have no idea what that has to do with quality, but if you really think 80's Metallica sounds modern, then I think your ear is a bit wacky.