Is it just me or does a large majority of black metal suck?

Search function says he got into metal through Sabbath, Metallica, Rammstein and Bodom. Why would you assume it was Bodom that got him into thrash and not Metallica?
Plus I got into Metallica first. Bodom was my first exposure to harsh vocaled metal but in no way did I ever say it was my gateway to thrash.

Peak retardation.
got into metal through rammstein? :lol: no wonder you don't like riffs. DO YOU EVEN THRASH BRUH?

Rammstein is a solid band though. One of the bands with media exposure that I tend to defend. Like, I would say Slipknot is garbage and Korn is sort of too jump da fuck up garbage, while Rammstein actually do their job and the songwriting is cool, even if it's not metal.

Linkin Park got all the way pop and Limp Bizkit is full on suck a dick jump da fuck up. I would say SOAD at least has some interesting songwriting, but really, Rammstein wins the edgy teenager contest.

EDIT: You could probably argue if they even are an edgy teenager band. /shrug.
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I'd take Rammstein out of the 3 because the ridiculousness of the vocal delivery is like watching a gay porno in musical form (plus I have some nostalgia) but all 3 are dogshit.
I had avoided DAF for a while for some reason, but once I finally gave them a proper chance I realized that gay porno in musical form was exactly what I needed in my life

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Cloven Hoof is the worst and most uninteresting of the first/second-tier NWOBHM bands. Will never understand what makes them so popular. Garbage production values, shitty Maiden-knockoff songwriting, wimpy singer.