Is it just me or does a large majority of black metal suck?

Alright, pack it in boys. This is reaching peak levels of retardness.
im not going to bother reading through most of that shitstorm, but just by skimming through a few of those posts im fairly sure HBB is correct on this one

Also, did someone here refer to Witchaven as black metal? :lol:

Most good black/thrash bands have good riffs because they are thrash metal bands first and foremost. And we all know thrash is king as far as riffs go.
I must say I never really liked any black-thrash. Somehow those two just don't do it for me when they're together.
I know I'm the outcast in this thread, but i've never been a huge fan of the genre black metal in particular in general. The sound quality is typically very low like it was recorded in a garage, there tends to be less melody, both which are very unpleasing to my ears. Not saying anyone shouldn't like the genre, it's just what I've noticed why I tend not to like much black-metal XD
in MY experience with black metal there is less melody. Obviously there can be melody in black metal, i'm just speaking from what I have heard.
You must only be listening to war metal and shit like that since even in the entry-level stuff like Immortal, Burzum, "golden-era" Darkthrone there is an abundance of melody.

Either that or you're confusing "lack of melody" with "abrasive production". Either way, gg nub.
I actually got into metal through Sabbath, Metallica and Slayer, but nice try, ye feculent bastard.

I listen to some thrash, not as much as I used to as a teenager. Basically just Slayer, Coroner, Artillery, Sodom on occasion, and assorted black/thrash stuff. 99% of straight-up thrash just hasn't turned my crank in years.
I actually got into metal through Sabbath, Metallica and Slayer, but nice try, ye feculent bastard.

I listen to some thrash, not as much as I used to as a teenager. Basically just Slayer, Coroner, Artillery, Sodom on occasion, and assorted black/thrash stuff. 99% of straight-up thrash just hasn't turned my crank in years.

You got into thrash through Children of Bodom