Is Opeth the only Death Metal band you like?


I'm going to assume that means "gory blasphemic war-inspired DM"-lyrics. And if that's the case, you just need to look harder. I too had a bit of an issue with DM lyrics. Not that I found them distasteful, but that they simply didn't connect to me. However, there are plenty of DM bands that have quite poignant lyrics. Death would be a great place to start. Everything from Spiritual Healing and onwards (once again, Human > all) has some pretty great lyrics. Usually devoid of that kind of over the top blood-lust found in many DM lyrics.
I like a lot of death metal, but most of the time not enough to go looking for it...I get the big releases each year like Deicide, Hate Eternal and Bloodbath this year, but I'm just starting to get into the classics like Seven Churches by Possessed, Altars of Madness by Morbid Angel, Focus by Cynic...I like a lot of stuff like Akercocke too.
I tend to find normal death metal boring, such as cannibal corpse for example.

Gojira is awesome for example, but it obviously isnt death metal, only. Edge of sanity is another good band which also plays death metal but then again not only that :)
I think it's vital that you have an understanding of extreme metal to fully appreciate some of the ideas present in Opeth.

I'm going to assume that means "gory blasphemic war-inspired DM"-lyrics. And if that's the case, you just need to look harder. I too had a bit of an issue with DM lyrics. Not that I found them distasteful, but that they simply didn't connect to me. However, there are plenty of DM bands that have quite poignant lyrics. Death would be a great place to start. Everything from Spiritual Healing and onwards (once again, Human > all) has some pretty great lyrics. Usually devoid of that kind of over the top blood-lust found in many DM lyrics.

You assumed correct. Thanks for the recommendation, though, I'll definitely check out Death.
Melopower sounds amazing.

Speaking of death type stuff Becoming the Archetype just released DIchotomy, and it's pretty amazing. (Devin Townsend produced it, and it came out really really good, good variety, and the album feels incredibly "tight")
not that i actively listen to it, but on ipod shuffle the following bands crop up from time to time:

morbid angel
at the gates
edge of sanity

mainly old school DM as you can see....