Jon Nödtveidt/DISSECTION commits suicide

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I'd much rather see neither of them, because, even if the intentions behind them are to honor the dead musician, the point of obcession over that person tends to be reached rather quickly, and that isn't good for any party involved.
J Mann said:
I must be fucking retarded cause I still don't see it. However the quote you provided sounds official so I have no more reason to not believe it.

My thoughts about his suicide are the same as I think about any suicide: a lame way to 'escape' this world. Jon obviously did it for quite different reasons than your average Myspace A7X fan, but nonetheless it is quite a moronic thing to do. Especially if you belong to a sect that is so obsessed with the self, being the lone wolf, battling society and what not to just randomly decide to give up one day instead of actually going down in battle.
Who are you to rant about your opinions on suicide and condemn someone else's personal decision as "moronic"?

No one is going to have a full understanding of his feelings regarding his life, so let's end this pointless speculation and moralizing.

For better or worse, he's gone - move on, and remember the music.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Heh, interesting. I just love how people think that his murder makes him deserve no respect in death.

Why should it? He killed someone for no good reason. (Yes, there are good or warrented reasons to kill someone else.)

I respect him as a musician, but not as a person.
I am truly upset by Jon's departure for the fact that his music was very special to me personally. I've been rather fond of Dissection for over a decade and feel that Jon's material has played a significant role in my musical development throughout the years. Some of you are fans, some of you just don't give a fuck and are disrespectful little pricks, some of you are about to be "real" fans of Dissection because its going to be the "cool thing to be" in your fucking poser metal world, but for some of us old-time loyal fans reading the news of Jon's suicide was pretty fucked up, to say the least. The guy will always be alive in his music - HAIL DISSECTION.
Why should anyone be looked down upon for choosing to end his life? Maybe a selfish thing to do when you think of the people he leaves behind who're gonna miss the guy, etc. but in the end, it was his choice to make and he made it!
VadimVon said:
I am truly upset by Jon's departure for the fact that his music was very special to me personally. I've been rather fond of Dissection for over a decade and feel that Jon's material has played a significant role in my musical development throughout the years. Some of you are fans, some of you just don't give a fuck and are disrespectful little pricks, some of you are about to be "real" fans of Dissection because its going to be the "cool thing to be" in your fucking poser metal world, but for some of us old-time loyal fans reading the news of Jon's suicide was pretty fucked up, to say the least. The guy will always be alive in his music - HAIL DISSECTION.

Well said. I also used to be an avid Dissection fan (Some will remember my SN used to be Somberlain), and this is, much like Quorthon's death, a huge fucking shock. I won't mourn, but I'll pay respects to the man and the band that singlehandedly solidified my love for metal some 5-6 years ago. Infernal hails.
If Quorthon hadn't died, I probably never would have been exposed to Bathory, which has gone on to become one of my top 5 favourite bands of all fucking time!

Demilich said:
Why should anyone be looked down upon for choosing to end his life? Maybe a selfish thing to do when you think of the people he leaves behind who're gonna miss the guy, etc. but in the end, it was his choice to make and he made it!

I wanted to say this. :mad:
the holocaust was hitlers choice to make and he made it

im not sure if thats a very good argument

also holy shit i just realised "maha kali" is roughly an anagram of "ahh kil ma"
my friend had somethin to say about this earlier.. haha

him: got out of jail
him: finished Dissection
him: killed himself
him: that's idealism.
him: a funny joke someone said was "he must have finally heard Reinkaos"
Karsa said:
the holocaust was hitlers choice to make and he made it

im not sure if thats a very good argument

also holy shit i just realised "maha kali" is roughly an anagram of "ahh kil ma"

Care to show me your point?
Karsa said:
the holocaust was hitlers choice to make and he made it

im not sure if thats a very good argument

also holy shit i just realised "maha kali" is roughly an anagram of "ahh kil ma"

killing a bunch of joos and killing yourself are kind of not the same thing
my point is that "it was his choice to make and he made it" is not a particularly good argument against condemning an act, especially when it's noted in exactly the same post that the act in question has a clear negative effect on a number of other people and thus wasn't even remotely *self-confined*
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