Jon Nödtveidt/DISSECTION commits suicide

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And just how have I, in the past month, damaged this forum? My knowledge of metal, my opinions, and my posts have all much improved, and while I am willing to concede the fact that I USED to be a shitty poster, I am 100% certain that I am now at least a halfway decent poster here. Regardless, the only posts you have made since the creation of your new account have been total shit compared to mine. You are even to lazy to capitalize or use punctuation fully. In short, I don't respect your opinions of me, my posts, or anyone else's posts, and that is the last I will say on this pointless matter.
ender7227 said:
And just how have I, in the past month, damaged this forum? My knowledge of metal, my opinions, and my posts have all much improved, and while I am willing to concede the fact that I USED to be a shitty poster, I am 100% certain that I am now at least a halfway decent poster here. Regardless, the only posts you have made since the creation of your new account have been total shit compared to mine. You are even to lazy to capitalize or use punctuation fully. In short, I don't respect your opinions of me, my posts, or anyone else's posts, and that is the last I will say on this pointless matter.

*YAWN* take your tired rhetoric elsewhere, noob
Karsa said:
why is my end of story gay

seriously how many times have people corrected you on this now

stupid whingey attitude ftw!

what was your old account? if you were this annoying back then it is no wonder you felt the need to reinvent yourself!

and stop tarnishing Erik's good name by being associated with him by other posters :loco:
Karsa said:
honestly i think ive improved this thread tenfold since i started posting in it

No you actually have taking the gracious step of making it a very tedious flame war (that started through your ignorance and lack of an ability to discuss, but rather argue), that basically is goin to leave this thread in shambles.
well im sorry but i just dont agree, i feel that my conduct in this thread has been extremely effective when one applies it contextually to the set of aims with which i initially approached it
Demilich said:
stupid whingey attitude ftw!

what was your old account? if you were this annoying back then it is no wonder you felt the need to reinvent yourself!

and stop tarnishing Erik's good name by being associated with him by other posters :loco:

My only thought is that it's GoD, or Timebird, due to his over use of words he doesn't understand and heard from other smart people due to his being a failure at life.
Karsa said:
well im sorry but i just dont agree, i feel that my conduct in this thread has been extremely effective when one applies it contextually to the set of aims with which i initially approached it

Actually, you have made a jumble of thoughtless posts, only directed towards enraging other posters on this forum, there for proving you're an asswhole.
actually youre right, i apologise to all concerned

btw i challenge you to name one word that you dont know as a result of having heard it from other people
Demilich said:
What I find most alarming is that if you are GoD,as an Englishman iirc, your grasp on the language pales in comparison to Erik's.

werent you calling a post that corrected somebodys english "stupid" a minute ago
Karsa said:
well im sorry but i just dont agree, i feel that my conduct in this thread has been extremely effective when one applies it contextually to the set of aims with which i initially approached it
But it's your AIMS that I am criticizing. You came in intending to get me upset and not to improve the thread, nor to post your own opinion on the matter.
By the way, you have proved my point about the quality of your posts to the quality of mine, except my posts about and against you. The aim of the posts is the first thing that should be considered first in judging the quality. Your posts have been of an aim that is utterly pointless and idiotic, as well as being the main aim that destroys threads into meaningless pages-long arguements such as these, thus making the thread worse for everybody.
Karsa said:
actually youre right, i apologise to all concerned

btw i challenge you to name one word that you dont know as a result of having heard it from other people

Yea, but when I use words I have learned it helps when you use them in the right context, douche bag.
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