Jon Nödtveidt/DISSECTION commits suicide

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Karsa said:
my point is that "it was his choice to make and he made it" is not a particularly good argument against condemning an act, especially when it's noted in exactly the same post that the act in question has a clear negative effect on a number of other people and thus wasn't even remotely *self-confined*

oh man, how ignorant can you get? seriously, if you want to continue trying to equate these two completely different circumstances, you're only going to lose the respect of myself and anyone else with half a brain. HE chose to end HIS life. the ramifications of this act are his responsibility, just like those of hitler. the difference is that he didn't impinge upon the ability of anyone else to live their lives.
it did, but he could have done any number of things while living - intentional or otherwise - that would have tangible, concrete effects on those involved in his life. in fact, anything anyone does impacts upon other people, whether they are aware of it or not. i don't see what you're getting at here. he didn't kill his family or friends, he simply made their lives harder for them (pain, grief, etc).
your original post coupled with those which have followed it suggests that you think an act can only be condemned if it results in the death of another, are you sure about this?!
Karsa said:
your original post coupled with those which have followed it suggests that you think an act can only be condemned if it results in the death of another, are you sure about this?!

no, but i am sure that with respect to one's own life, the most important thing is what one wants. if any person other than me feels that hurting their family is more important than their wish to exist this world, that is there perogative, and they are free not to kill themselves. what i oppose is the condemnation of a person for making the choice to do with their life what they wish.
I didn't talk about it until recently, agreeing with you about the unimportance of the thread. You need to stop insulting my posts, Erik, especially since thay have improved dramatically since now I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about. It's people like you, who talk about the posters rather than the posts, who ruin this forum. Ironic that you were once a mod.
no youre the kind of person who turns these forums into shit, im the kind of person who punishes the people who turn the forum to shit by in turn making the forum shit from their perspective.
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