Jon Nödtveidt/DISSECTION commits suicide

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Karsa said:
@ender: im free to do with my life what i wish, maybe you should follow the thread duh-brain

no you're not free to do what you wish, life is pre-determined according to the divine plan of lord ganesh
Karsa said:
this is the most fun ive had since pwning your ass in that argument a couple of pages ago

:lol: don't worry, as long as you keep telling yourself that, it'll be true in the mind of one person, and that counts for something!
I'm not telling you not to do anything, I'm saying that you are simply ruining this thread, as am I. It doesn't mean that you are being ordered to stop, especially since I have no power to do so. It simply means that you are the kind of person that people HATE in these forums. Need I dig up posts to TImebird to prove this point, or will you just shut up now?

I hate it when I am careful with what I say, because I take a really long time to post.
DE said:
no you're not free to do what you wish, life is pre-determined according to the divine plan of lord ganesh

You know, I'm tired of fatalist schmucks trying to encourage others to mimic their hopeless, passive mindset, maybe you should go back to Switzerland or wherever the Buddhist embassy lies??
MetalNoob said:
It's okay you'll be banned soon.

why would i get banned for improving the forum

don't worry, as long as you keep telling yourself that, it'll be true in the mind of one person, and that counts for something!

that was a very defensive response, calm down son, im not trying to steal your limelight

I'm not telling you not to do anything, I'm saying that you are simply ruining this thread, as am I. It doesn't mean that you are being ordered to stop, especially since I have no power to do so. It simply means that you are the kind of person that people HATE in these forums. Need I dig up posts to TImebird to prove this point, or will you just shut up now?

I hate it when I am careful with what I say, because I take a really long time to post.

lol how many times am i going to have to pretend to be other posters before you realise im a compulsive liar

btw what happened to
I'm done now.

im honestly of the opinion that your conduct is worse than mine, as at least i am aiming for goodness, i simply define goodness in a different way to the majority, whereas you believe you are making the thread bad and yet continue to do so. quite frankly, you're a moral disaster
this thread fucking sucks and everyone in it is a huge faggot

it's sad that i even have to include this to dissuade someone from doing it, but if you reply to this post saying "including you hurr" then youre the biggest faggot of all
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