Just reserved a flight to HEATHEN CRUSADE part 17

I have no money to fly, nor time for a road trip, nor the money for the road trip either. and I'm in school at that time and stuff and can't get away (falls into time category).

JayKeeley said:
Is anyone taking a camera to HEATHEN CRUSADE? (And why do we keep typing that out in caps?)
If no one else, I will. I'm not one for taken pictures, but I bought my wife a Nikon Coolpix 4300 that takes really nice pictures. Something tells me the pictures taken at HEATHEN CRUSADE 9capitalized at JK's request) will be worth dragging it around.

Hey Jk, any update on Chief's status?


Guggs, Shaye, Jason and me (before I shaved my head). I have no idea who the guy with dreds is. Oh yeah, and the dude whose face is being covered by Gugg's horns is Shaun from Beyond the Embrace.


This was what Cleveland looked like when the party broke up. Fuck that was a late night.

your shift key ability reveals that you need more booze.

(haha, i posted this in the wrong thread like 13 seconds ago NO I DIDN'T DRINK 4 BEERS AT BAND PRACTICE EARLIER)