
there will be a next time and then maybe you will be there too.
move in here :D You know what the little requirement is ;)
Wanna see the pics!

I'm a bit worried that I haven't heard back from Camille :/ But I hope it's just the usual internet problems
Yay pics are here. I actually didnt take that many pictures.
I´ll put ,just a few of which I´m certain I can post, up here and send you all a pm with my photobucket and guestlogin!


Chicks on couch :)

We áre the Presidents!


Blury Breakfastpic.
Sorry, sorry! I was going to try harness someone else's unsecure internet
network yesterday ; ) but my computer just shrugged and was like "naaaah" x (

I got home safely yesterday to dismal old London, tried to get on the net
and only succeeded this morning ("yeah no problem").

My respective thank yous:

"Thanks also to Hell Kitty who unfortunately had to leave already pretty shortly after we'd arrived. Thanks to her and the other girls for preparing the magnificent food!

I uploaded my phone pics to my Photobucket, here they are."

I would have to just reiterate what Martijn said


...and also point out that
I quite like the ethereal quality of your camera phone pics : )

(::save picture as:: )

Is anyone ready for some cheesey, 80s looking scanned pictures tomorrow? x )

"Good to hear you got home safely. Once again, it was awesome to meet you all!! Thanks to Katatonia& Ultimate Metal for bringing these HYPERAWESOME people together

Looking forward to the next meeting with all you presidents
Ahhh... it's late now, good night! And Camille, my fellow vegetarian have a pleasant journey tomorrow!"

Again, I would have to agree! :' D
It was really good to meet a like-minded eater ; ) although you eat
perhaps in a more moderate amount x )

We'll have to stay in contact because I really want to try and push the melloboat idea and it would really be a pleasure to have your company as I have said!

@Juniper: Your background is La-harrvely ; ) I will send you that code once I figure out which piece of html it is! x )

"So after the meeting was done Camille was still here and I had such a nice evening yesterday. We went eating to a really good restaurant and had a really nice and long talk that I really enjoyed. Thank you very much for that!
I was a bit sad leaving you at the airport, but hopefully it wasn't the last time we meet.

Today I thought about a list of absolut terms that had been there at every Kata-meeting

1. Air drumming by the guys!
2. Lots of giggeling by the girls!
3. Great food!
4. Acoustic guitar playing!
5. Long fucking trips for almost everyone!

A new thing was doing strange noises with electric guitars haha

Big thank you to everyone !
It was such a pleasure Markus! I don't expect it'll be the last time I steal your rice at least ; ) we'll see each other again! Hahaha "Damn her eyes"

I have to really thank you for being such an efficient host, being so caring and for being literally a very GIVING person. I love all of the cds!! Listening to Landberk noww and taking my Hel cds to school today : D GORGEOUS music!!

I hope the drive back from Dortmund wasn't too long : / Thanks sooo much for taking care of meee! o: )

Still cannot decide what my new sig will be x )

Lots of love to absolutely everyone!
The President xx
Too bad I forgot to take pictures at the meeting... but I took some on Monday.
It's called:
"Happy homeless people"


Awww or as you say it Afff ;)
"Happy Homeless People" .. hmm... there's a song in there somewhere !

Where are those cheesy 80's looking pictures you promised us Camille?
Those disposable camera's are shit for a lot of reasons but I do also like the (as you put it so eloquently) ethereal quality of the pictures :)

And a word to our fellow Katz at the board !!Who follow our little adventures :) How about meetings in the US or SouthAmerica or elsewhere? Any plans yet?

I have my 80s pictures to everyone's respective myspaces O: )

They are quite shit quality : S I might add that I will try and
adequately re-size them. Unfortunately I'm at the library (no internet
at home) and my session is about to time out so I hope those
suffice for the time being? x (

I will report back with new and improved samples next time
I hope!


Camille xxxx
any vids this time? :D
sssh, ssssssshhhh my friend v.v ... I also have a real life (sic!) but I'll work on the new GROUNDBREAKING and INCREDIBLY HIGH QUALITY vids as soon as possible ... and I'll let you all know (or you subscribe to my YouTube account :p)

Awww or as you say it Afff ;)
"Happy Homeless People" ..
I can just agree! (yes, aaaaaaf!!! *ggg*) That pic is soooooooooooouuuuuuuuuh adorable! You look so sweet ... and i.m.o. not like homeless people at all... :hypno:

I have my 80s pictures to everyone's respective myspaces O: )
Thank you darling!
I think those pics are very nice! They have such a trve, grim and frostbitten atmosphere *mwahaha* ;D No really, I love your scanned "retro" pics... and maybe a little Photoshop touch-up will do for the brightness and sharpness ^^
Thank you darling!
I think those pics are very nice! They have such a trve, grim and frostbitten atmosphere *mwahaha* ;D No really, I love your scanned "retro" pics... and maybe a little Photoshop touch-up will do for the brightness and sharpness ^^

Yay! I think they somehow have much to be desired in the photoshop area ; ) too

smiling in the rain


I really like this onee x )

And this one of uss presidents! Courtesy of la Swany...


Damn I hate my fleeting connection! I want to upload some of these to the space x (
Agreed! It's a shame Andrea couldn't stay longer after conjuring up
such a delicious meal :' /

@Juniper: Here is the much sought after myspace code ; )
I hope it serves you well!

In your About Me section enter:

<style type="text/css">
td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table br, td.text td.text table .orangetext15, td.text td.text .redlink, td.text td.text span.btext {display:none;}
td.text td.text table {background-color:transparent;}
td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}
td.text td.text table table td {padding:3;}
td.text td.text table table br {display:inline;}

@Sabine: I do love your new quote x )