Sorry, sorry! I was going to try harness someone else's unsecure internet
network yesterday ; ) but my computer just shrugged and was like "naaaah" x (
I got home safely yesterday to dismal old London, tried to get on the net
and only succeeded this morning ("yeah no problem").
My respective thank yous:
"Thanks also to Hell Kitty who unfortunately had to leave already pretty shortly after we'd arrived. Thanks to her and the other girls for preparing the magnificent food!
I uploaded my phone pics to my Photobucket, here they are."
I would have to just reiterate what Martijn said
...and also point out that
I quite like the ethereal quality of your camera phone pics : )

:save picture as:: )
Is anyone ready for some cheesey, 80s looking scanned pictures tomorrow? x )
"Good to hear you got home safely. Once again, it was awesome to meet you all!! Thanks to Katatonia& Ultimate Metal for bringing these HYPERAWESOME people together
Looking forward to the next meeting with all you presidents
Ahhh... it's late now, good night! And Camille, my fellow vegetarian have a pleasant journey tomorrow!"
Again, I would have to agree! :' D
It was really good to meet a like-minded eater ; ) although you eat
perhaps in a more moderate amount x )
We'll have to stay in contact because I really want to try and push the melloboat idea and it would really be a pleasure to have your company as I have said!
@Juniper: Your background is
La-harrvely ; ) I will send you that code once I figure out which piece of html it is! x )
"So after the meeting was done Camille was still here and I had such a nice evening yesterday. We went eating to a really good restaurant and had a really nice and long talk that I really enjoyed. Thank you very much for that!
I was a bit sad leaving you at the airport, but hopefully it wasn't the last time we meet.
Today I thought about a list of absolut terms that had been there at every Kata-meeting
1. Air drumming by the guys!
2. Lots of giggeling by the girls!
3. Great food!
4. Acoustic guitar playing!
5. Long fucking trips for almost everyone!
A new thing was doing strange noises with electric guitars haha
Big thank you to everyone !
"It was such a pleasure Markus! I don't expect it'll be the last time I steal your rice at least ; ) we'll see each other again! Hahaha "
Damn her eyes"
I have to really thank you for being such an efficient host, being so caring and for being literally a very GIVING person. I love all of the cds!! Listening to Landberk noww and taking my Hel cds to school today : D GORGEOUS music!!
I hope the drive back from Dortmund wasn't too long : / Thanks sooo much for taking care of meee! o: )
Still cannot decide what my new sig will be x )
Lots of love to absolutely everyone!
The President xx