
It was over way too soon! Next time lets make it a KataWeek , full of trips, music and nice cooking :D
I would like to second this suggestion, I'm totally pushing for a KataWeek(end) in London, chez Camille, sometime spring next year! London f*in' rules, I wanna go there!

Also, the pics rule, the one of Markus and Camille is total cuteness.
I strolled past Tower Bridge today Martijn!

You would be all MOST welcome any (post-dissertation) time this year :Saint:
I will spin you around London and dizzy you with pub crawls!
I strolled past Tower Bridge today Martijn!

That was over 2 years ago, I desperately need to go there again!
You would be all MOST welcome any (post-dissertation) time this year :Saint:
I will spin you around London and dizzy you with pub crawls!
All I can say is: HELL YEAH!! When??!
mmmm... I guess it should be fine one weekend in Spring, but I'm just
not sure what my exams dates are :goggly:

Could be messy... how about sometime in late April? Pretty sure I would
have finished my dissertation by then too. Can't honestly think of a better
way to celebrate :Saint:

P.s- BLACKWINTER DAY SATURDAY!!!! See you then :kickass:
mmmm... I guess it should be fine one weekend in Spring, but I'm just
not sure what my exams dates are :goggly:

Could be messy... how about sometime in late April? Pretty sure I would
have finished my dissertation by then too. Can't honestly think of a better
way to celebrate :Saint:
Late April should be fine, the weekend of 19-20 or something..?
P.s- BLACKWINTER DAY SATURDAY!!!! See you then :kickass:
Hell yeah! We're leaving 7 AM tomorrow morning, see ya then! :)
I think we're staying in an a hotel inn somewhere in Bradford? :D

I'll send you a text at some point tomorrow! Yay

Sabbat - 10pm -

Detontaion - 8:55 - 9:35pm (40 mins)

Evile - 8:00 - 8:40pm (40 mins)

Loathe - 7:05 - 7:45pm (40 mins)

Centurions Ghost - 6:10 - 6:50pm (40 mins)

Detrimentum - 5:15 - 5:55pm (40 mins)

Carnal Rites - 4:30 - 5:00pm (30 mins)

Let 'Em Burn - 3:45 - 4:15pm (30 mins)

The Belonging - 3:00 - 3:30pm (30 mins)
Exactly one month after the last meeting ... it is done ... well, I could hold a speech on this but I think I rather shut up and let it speak for itself *LOL* ...

It's different from anything before any maybe a bit odd but ... anyway... *chuckles*

A bit more from the meeting (funnier and brighter) MAY follow ... but not before next year... ^^
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"The same procedure as... no wait, this time GIRLZ ONLY FREESTYLE VERSION DELUXE ;P

Dunno why it is so quiet, please turn up the volume."

Heehaa ; D

Exactly one month after the last meeting ... it is done ... well, I could hold a speech on this but I think I rather shut up and let it speak for itself *LOL* ...

Awww this is really a heart-warming scene : )
Very appropriate for x-mas..

definately one for keeps!

Thank you for posting this Lia!

Wow, I really like this version a lot!
Makes me want to do a cover like this myself...
Camille, did you remember the chords?

I'm afraid I'm hopeless at retaining information m'dear,
particularly since I only played it out as the girls were singing ':s

Not very complicated chord sequence at all however!
I'm sure you could figure it out : )

Next time I'll be a bit more thoughtful with guitar parts and
hopefully have recourse to Markus' electrics ;o) *hrhr*

...Shhh, shh!

We can all participate too!

Miss you guys x
ha, so that was the secret seance you girls had! Pretty nice & hypnotic.. :ill:

I wish there was a video of the same point in time just one floor below, when we guys made a political statement playing the English national anthem on guitar with stylized bomb blast through wah-wah guitar with extremely mid-range sound :lol:
ha, so that was the secret seance you girls had! Pretty nice & hypnotic.. :ill:

I wish there was a video of the same point in time just one floor below, when we guys made a political statement playing the English national anthem on guitar with stylized bomb blast through wah-wah guitar with extremely mid-range sound :lol:

:lol: Who needs Bass and Treble anyway man!!