katatonia forum guy committed suicide

I´m upset.
Is it true? I really can´t believe it..I feel so sorry because I knew him, we also met a couple of times and used to write to each other. Haven´t been in touch so much in the last year even if I wrote him recently that I was in Sweden and so on....and I could never ever imagine from the tone of his e-mails he could ever commit suicide.
I´m even more upset because in the last couple of years two of my friends committed suicide too..so now I´m so scared that people I know can do such a terrible deed.
I felt so sad and I feel it now too because I could not do anything to make this people change their mind or help them somehow.

And what is more upsetting is that they had appearently nothing to complain about..so you really wonder what makes a person so depressed to that point?
How can you throw away your life when you are so young and have health and all...I can understand what it means to be depressed, but in those moments when I see people who have real big problems and though still fight and try to go on, I feel I am a stupid to get depressed and complain about my life!

I don´t know why he committed suicide, I don´t justify it, I´m angry, but it was his life and his decided that he couldn´t go on anymore, so for him maybe this was the best solution and who knows if maybe now he is in a better place than us.
and long live your music.
I remember him well, as a nice and kind person. Sure I can't judge only by his posts here.. but what happened makes me very sad.
No one deserve to become inwardly so withered that he see no other way out.
May he find peace!
Didn't know him, but I've seen some of his posts, and escape the day was really good music. over this forum he seemed like a really nice guy..
it's sad to see yet another person chosing suicide as a final solution, and I feel sorry for his family, relatives and close friends. rest in peace.
I didn't have the chance to know him at all, but hearing that is quite shocking. Nobody will ever find out the reason that he decided to commit suicide, but the sure is that his life was really fucked up. May your soul rest in peace florian. :'(
Thanks to this board I got to know Florian. First time we met was a Katatonia concert in Potsdam in spring 2003. Later, when I spent some months in Berlin and we met each other more often, he became a good friend of mine. Several times I visited him and his bandmates while rehearsal. I was impressed by his knowledge of languages and of history. I liked talking to him, especially because of his own sense of humour and the way he looked at things. I would not have called him a funny or happy guy. But he never seemed to suffer from depression - probably he was good at hiding his problems.
I still can not believe he committed suicide. It´s a senseless death of a young, talented, intelligent and nice person.
I really hope, his family and friends can cope with this loss.
That's really sad. This is actually the first time that I feel depressed because someone I don't know in person has died. :(

And I love their music. Hopefully the album will be released so that his memory can live on in the beautiful music.
I hate this.
Rest in peace man. I hope you'll find the appeasement depicted in your music.
Awesome music shoud I say. My best discovery of 2005. I told you. This is still true...
I do remember seeing him around the board before, it's sad to hear about this. I really hope he is in a better place now.
Rest In Peace Florian.
Poor guy...life must have been pretty cruel to him. I never knew him and haven't seen him post here(probably because I'm relatively new to this forum)but I have seen him post in other forums and he seemed like a nice guy.
May God rest his soul
Hey guys, I have written something a few hours ago, but now that I've heard his music I'm feeling really depressed. I didn't knew him, but it touches me so bad at the moment... how must his family feel? :(
RIP Florian
another brilliant musician rest in peace, I send my deepest sympathy to all of his family and friends.

just checked their music and I really love it! I don't know why he committe suicide but I hope he live well in another world, and all of his works will never be forgotten.
I remember hearing Ghostless and Still and falling in love...I've since lost these MP3s, does anyone know where I can find them again? They're no longer on the download.com or Myspace site...
I didn't know him, never talked to him, but I kinda "knew" him from his posts in here... It does make me feel sad this bad news.
Who knows what was happening in his mind... I just hope he's in a better place now.
And as Unicorn, I'm also thinking about how must his family feel at this moment. Very sad news.
I'm very sorry.