
Yo Diabaolic... are you blind? Didn't you read what I said? I wasn't talking about COC, I was talking about DOWN, and by the way, I copied that band listing from someonelse's post just to lay down my opinions, I should've removed COC from that parenthesis.

There are plenty of styles of metal, like heavy metal, power metal, hollywood metal (Rhapsody and stuff), prog metal, death metal, black metal, goth metal, etc. Down fits into the Pantera category of metal, which to me, is a great band, also Pantera is one of my favourites, but I recognize they didn't do a "true" (sounds cheesy and I bet I will be called stupid once again) form of metal, they innovated it and made something which can't be really fitted onto a specific style. I prefer metal to have tight guitars, tight punchy drums and very concise and dynamic.

As I said before, this are my opinions and I respect yours, I didn't call any of your opinions "the most stupid thing on the internet". Im a new member from another country, I respect Andy's work and I really like the forum, but I think this is not a way to greet someone new, perhaps im more into the classic styles of metal than some of you are at the moment, who knows, I don't think anything is good or wrong, it's good as long as you are happy that way.
Yo Diabaolic... are you blind? Didn't you read what I said? I wasn't talking about COC, I was talking about DOWN, and by the way, I copied that band listing from someonelse's post just to lay down my opinions, I should've removed COC from that parenthesis.

There are plenty of styles of metal, like heavy metal, power metal, hollywood metal (Rhapsody and stuff), prog metal, death metal, black metal, goth metal, etc. Down fits into the Pantera category of metal, which to me, is a great band, also Pantera is one of my favourites, but I recognize they didn't do a "true" (sounds cheesy and I bet I will be called stupid once again) form of metal, they innovated it and made something which can't be really fitted onto a specific style. I prefer metal to have tight guitars, tight punchy drums and very concise and dynamic.

As I said before, this are my opinions and I respect yours, I didn't call any of your opinions "the most stupid thing on the internet". Im a new member from another country, I respect Andy's work and I really like the forum, but I think this is not a way to greet someone new, perhaps im more into the classic styles of metal than some of you are at the moment, who knows, I don't think anything is good or wrong, it's good as long as you are happy that way.
Just look at the sheep and everything will be fine.
Big news! Tonight I not only got a TS808 (which does indeed sound smoother than the TS9, and better!) but I am also borrowing a Krank Revolution 2x12 combo for the weekend. I will be running all of my guitar tracks through it for my band's remix of our promo. It will be a shootout between the Krank and the POD XT. Both of these sound better with a Tube Screamer in front.

So far my initial impression of the Krank, now that I've had a chance to play through it myself and dial things in right, is that it is the best sounding tube amp I have ever played in my life. In fact, aside from Line 6, it is the best sounding amp I have played, period. And it is also the least noisy. I would never tour with a tube amp and I am a Line 6 loyalist, but having a 2x12 combo like this might be a nice alternate rig in the recording studio. I have never heard any digital amp sound quite like this Krank. It might be possible, but I've never heard anything like it!

Tonight I ran my ESP LTD MH 400 NT with EMG 81s into the Krank, first direct with a monster cable, and later through my new TS808. It sounds slightly better with the TS808, but even without it, it never gets the spongy, sloppy feel of a Mesa dual rectifier, for example. And it doesn't sound as dull and fuzzy as a 5150 without a tube screamer. It sounds full bodied, and you barely need the screamer at all in fact.

The controls on the face of the Krank are awesome. The sweep and presence controls give you a wide range of great sounds, and the EQs are amazing. My only gripe is that if you turn up the Sweep too much, it's impossible to get enough bass, but there are intelligent ways around this if you don't over-sweep and you dial your other settings right.

If I had the money I would buy a Krank combo in a heartbeat as a recording rig. But we will see how it holds up against the POD XT in a mixed track. I am still putting my money on the POD XT - or perhaps a combination of the two?

PS - the "Kleen" channel of the Krank is utter shit. Yes, it is very clean and noiseless for a tube amp's clean channel, but it sounds fucking horrible no matter how you EQ it. With a multi FX unit you might be able to get it to shimmer though... but what a pain...
Kazrog said:
Big news! Tonight I not only got a TS808 (which does indeed sound smoother than the TS9, and better!) but I am also borrowing a Krank Revolution 2x12 combo for the weekend. I will be running all of my guitar tracks through it for my band's remix of our promo. It will be a shootout between the Krank and the POD XT. Both of these sound better with a Tube Screamer in front.

So far my initial impression of the Krank, now that I've had a chance to play through it myself and dial things in right, is that it is the best sounding tube amp I have ever played in my life. In fact, aside from Line 6, it is the best sounding amp I have played, period. And it is also the least noisy. I would never tour with a tube amp and I am a Line 6 loyalist, but having a 2x12 combo like this might be a nice alternate rig in the recording studio. I have never heard any digital amp sound quite like this Krank. It might be possible, but I've never heard anything like it!

Tonight I ran my ESP LTD MH 400 NT with EMG 81s into the Krank, first direct with a monster cable, and later through my new TS808. It sounds slightly better with the TS808, but even without it, it never gets the spongy, sloppy feel of a Mesa dual rectifier, for example. And it doesn't sound as dull and fuzzy as a 5150 without a tube screamer. It sounds full bodied, and you barely need the screamer at all in fact.

The controls on the face of the Krank are awesome. The sweep and presence controls give you a wide range of great sounds, and the EQs are amazing. My only gripe is that if you turn up the Sweep too much, it's impossible to get enough bass, but there are intelligent ways around this if you don't over-sweep and you dial your other settings right.

If I had the money I would buy a Krank combo in a heartbeat as a recording rig. But we will see how it holds up against the POD XT in a mixed track. I am still putting my money on the POD XT - or perhaps a combination of the two?

PS - the "Kleen" channel of the Krank is utter shit. Yes, it is very clean and noiseless for a tube amp's clean channel, but it sounds fucking horrible no matter how you EQ it. With a multi FX unit you might be able to get it to shimmer though... but what a pain...
So you like tube screamers then? :D
Speaking of fucked off categorizations... people have been on a TEAR lately calling Mnemic nu-metal... *shrugs*... I dunno WTF you'd call them.. they've kinda got this Meshuggah/Fear Factory thing going on.. with a bit of a radio friendly chorus here and there.. but... nu-metal? Prolly not...

J the TyranT said:
Speaking of fucked off categorizations... people have been on a TEAR lately calling Mnemic nu-metal... *shrugs*... I dunno WTF you'd call them.. they've kinda got this Meshuggah/Fear Factory thing going on.. with a bit of a radio friendly chorus here and there.. but... nu-metal? Prolly not...


Theres a lot of idiots calling all sorts of things "Nu-Metal" because they just don't like it.

Soilwork/In Flames/Katatonia have all been called Nu Metal recently, and i don't agree with it at all. They may be releasing commercial shit but it ain't nu metal.
the only thing that i can say is that i have 2 5150s one with a 51 cab and the other with a crate cab, i prefer the 5150 with his cab more metal for me, when i was in l.a and i tried a triple recto and i love the sound louder than a 5150 more in your face but i prefer the 5150 dist then i only talk about things that i tried or heard, i think thats the main point here.
im gonna try the krank!!! to see what's like.
J the TyranT said:
Speaking of fucked off categorizations... people have been on a TEAR lately calling Mnemic nu-metal... *shrugs*... I dunno WTF you'd call them.. they've kinda got this Meshuggah/Fear Factory thing going on.. with a bit of a radio friendly chorus here and there.. but... nu-metal? Prolly not...


I fucking LOVE Mnemic. If they're nu metal, then my band is hip hop.
Nitronium Blood said:
So you like tube screamers then? :D

I've always liked Tube Screamers. At least, since December when I got my TS9. ;)

Me coming to this forum last October was the beginning of an epic tone quest for me. I've always felt that Andy was the god of metal guitar tone, so I did a google search for "Andy Sneap guitar recording tips" or something and it led me here!

Andy's C4 settings saved our demo, but the guitars were double tracked through a POD 2.0, Ibanez RG with passive pickups, and no screamer. So I'm in the process of re-tracking all the guitars (quad-tracking) with my new ESP, POD XT in "reamp" mode, so I can pipe this signal through the 808 and any POD XT sound, as well as the Krank and whatever else I have at my disposal!

I will post some preliminary results here soon!
marcust said:
You all know there are samples on the krank site !!!

maybe they should have called it a modeler amp
modeling a rectifier :rolleyes:

Dude, it sounds nothing like a rectifier. Trust me, I have a rectifier in my studio and I don't even need to a/b them. To be quite honest with you, I fucking hate the rectifier and I love the Krank. I think with a lot of effort, the rectifier can sound great, as Andy has proven with Nevermore in recent years, however, rectifiers are out of control and spongy in a way that Kranks simply are not.