Learning Swedish?

but probably if you go to sweden where the most part of folk has light colours features, the ideal of beauty may be a dark haired/eyed person...
i think we like what is diverse from us, i should say what is rare.

That is probably correct, a good eample is that many people go to tanning studios and such. But all in all, Swedes are more naturally tanned than, say, British people, who look more pale. This was something I discovered when I was in Liverpool to watch football. It probably has something to do with the fact that snow reflects sunlight pretty well.

I would also like to hear what's the worst with drottningens svenska. She's still somehow "our Silvia" :D

Well, she still sounds very German, both in pronounciation and melody. There are a lot of "z" - sounds, which are nonexistent in Swedish, German t's, and mispronounced vocals overall, coming from her. It's not like I'm a language fascist or anything, but after 35 years..
That is probably correct, a good eample is that many people go to tanning studios and such. But all in all, Swedes are more naturally tanned than, say, British people, who look more pale. This was something I discovered when I was in Liverpool to watch football. It probably has something to do with the fact that snow reflects sunlight pretty well.

yes, that's right. and remember that weather in great britain is often rainy and clouded, so there aren't probably many occasions where a british person can get tanned.
here for example there's the tendency to dye the hair of blond, i should say that a 80% of people who dye their hair have chosen a light shade of colour, while, from what i've seen, a lot of nordic people dye their hair of black, also vintersorg did it once if i'm not wrong, i think i've seen it in some old photos :lol:
this makes me laught 'cause you understand how the point of view and the sense of beauty change from place to place. italians struggles to be blond, scandinavians to be black :lol:
i've seen that also a lot of black woman dyes their hair blond, and also some chinese or japanese, being all genetically made for having only dark hair...
i really don't know why, usually foreigners are good preys :lol:
i mean, something esotic always captures the attention.
for example the typical italian features are bronze skin, brown or black hair, and dark eyes. if you are blonde or red with blue or green eyes you are looked like that :OMG:
i lost the count of how many times i was asked if i was foreigner, a lot people who talked to me in english asking me from where i was from, and stuff like that :lol:
here there's absolutely what i can call the myth of blonde hair!!!!!!
but probably if you go to sweden where the most part of folk has light colours features, the ideal of beauty may be a dark haired/eyed person...
i think we like what is diverse from us, i should say what is rare.
but i've never been to sweden so those are just suppositions

yes, when we are in rage we go out of control :lol:
just come here and have a ride with your car and you will invent a new range of wonderful and creative insults

the only decent italian beer is Ichnusa, the most famous beer from Sardinia (Sardegna) :)

OK, I'm far from being dark haired/eyed person, I am as white as a normal person an be (without entering albinism) and have brown/green eyes. Wait! That's probably it, they really liked my eyes, since most Swedes have blue eyes (I guess). Damn I should have just kept my mouth shot and nod.

(Forgive my horrible Swedish, this is just a translator.)

Woman: "Kan jag våldta dig?" (Can I rape you?)
Defiance: *nods*
Woman: I röven? (In the ass?)
Defiance: *nods*


Holy f* what are you doing?!?!? :zombie:

Hopefully no German one. Sorry, I'm a beer patriot :lol:

Natürlich nein ;). I prefer Belgian beers though. Please don't be mad grandpa! :p

Holy crap, what's going on in here? Very interesting posts and funny quotes (that decline beer/german verbs quote is just great LOL ).
I would also like to hear what's the worst with drottningens svenska. She's still somehow "our Silvia"

Maybe because Germans aren't exactly known for a very good English ;) and they don't expect to train their English with us :D

I find it a tad sad that even your gf keeps talking English with you, NovembersD.

Hehe yeah :p

Can you put some links of her speaking? Just to have an idea of how not to speak :p.

Yes, for some reason Germans living in Germany don't know how to speak in English. And some of them are cruel women who will give you the wrong direction to a Darkwave club on purpose. Damn hehe.

That is probably correct, a good eample is that many people go to tanning studios and such. But all in all, Swedes are more naturally tanned than, say, British people, who look more pale. This was something I discovered when I was in Liverpool to watch football. It probably has something to do with the fact that snow reflects sunlight pretty well.

Well, she still sounds very German, both in pronounciation and melody. There are a lot of "z" - sounds, which are nonexistent in Swedish, German t's, and mispronounced vocals overall, coming from her. It's not like I'm a language fascist or anything, but after 35 years..

Wow they would even go to tanning studios? Might as well come here! They'll get good sex here since a lot of women here prefer blond guys, and they would get a tan, so when they get to Sweden they'll get girls too because they will have a tan!

The plan is flawless! :headbang:

yes, that's right. and remember that weather in great britain is often rainy and clouded, so there aren't probably many occasions where a british person can get tanned.
here for example there's the tendency to dye the hair of blond, i should say that a 80% of people who dye their hair have chosen a light shade of colour, while, from what i've seen, a lot of nordic people dye their hair of black, also vintersorg did it once if i'm not wrong, i think i've seen it in some old photos
this makes me laught 'cause you understand how the point of view and the sense of beauty change from place to place. italians struggles to be blond, scandinavians to be black
i've seen that also a lot of black woman dyes their hair blond, and also some chinese or japanese, being all genetically made for having only dark hair...

Yes, and I'll say everywhere. I went to London and to the South, Oxford too, and it was pretty much clouded the whole time everywhere. Ah good times :) .

Agh don't get me started on the Japanese, I hate that they always want to be so European/US-like, do they really have any of their traditional culture left? しまた!
Wow they would even go to tanning studios? Might as well come here! They'll get good sex here since a lot of women here prefer blond guys, and they would get a tan, so when they get to Sweden they'll get girls too because they will have a tan!

Hah, nice plan! Too bad I have brown hair and green/gray eyes :mad:

The Queen speaking:
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Hah, nice plan! Too bad I have brown hair and green/gray eyes :mad:

The Queen speaking:

If you're white (OK, Caucasian) and have a foreign accent it'll still work ;) .

I didn't understand a thing of the video and obviously cannot tell whether she's speaking correctly or not, but I did notice a bit of a German accent at times.
Wow they would even go to tanning studios? Might as well come here! They'll get good sex here since a lot of women here prefer blond guys, and they would get a tan, so when they get to Sweden they'll get girls too because they will have a tan!

Just to show that all us Nordic types aren't the same...I'm roughly 1/2 Norwegian. I'm also a mix of English, Irish, Pennsylvania Dutch, and Italian. Consequently, I have auburn hair, bluish-grey eyes...and olive skin. Very pale, yet olive nonetheless.

All the sun has to do is *glance* at me, and I'm instantly tan!
Yes, for some reason Germans living in Germany don't know how to speak in English. And some of them are cruel women who will give you the wrong direction to a Darkwave club on purpose. Damn hehe.

Maybe their English was so bad they thought they gave you the correct direction? :p Perhaps they mixed up left and right :D

Runk said:
The Queen speaking

Why did I not think of checking youtube...? :rolleyes:
I seriously believe that you will always be able to distinguish a native speaker from someone who learned Swedish later in life, no matter how long that someone has been living in S. It's just too damn hard. But I see where you are coming from. It probably shouldn't sound that bad. After having heard her on that video it's obvious even to me what you were talking about.
Naturally, I don't find it as horrible as you do though :p (You should have witnessed just 5 min of a conversation course I have been to. There were ppl who had been learning/talking Swedish for 20 yrs or so.....and I can tell you that even my ears bled :D )

Thus my (not so new) theory: Swedes don't aim to be polite when they are switching to English, they simply don't want to suffer from hearing their language being disparaged.
Just to show that all us Nordic types aren't the same...I'm roughly 1/2 Norwegian. I'm also a mix of English, Irish, Pennsylvania Dutch, and Italian. Consequently, I have auburn hair, bluish-grey eyes...and olive skin. Very pale, yet olive nonetheless.

All the sun has to do is *glance* at me, and I'm instantly tan!

well, also all the southern types aren't the same. i'm 100% italian, at least for the generations i know, my father was italian, his father too, his granfather also. but i'm not the typical italian, and nearly all the relatives from my father's part are blonde, blue eyed and pale skinned.
my mother is italian too, she had light brown hair (now she dyes) and has green eyes.
you have to consider also the history of your country, celts and germanic people came here in the past. i've done some researches about my surname and i got two answers: the first says it's a germanic surname (but i'm quite sceptical about that) , the second that comes from a certain area of the north of italy called Lombardia, which takes its name from the germanic tribe Lombards (and this is the more realistic option)...so maybe some feature have survived through centuries into the italic population...
i do have a BIG problem with the sun. if i don't stay under the sun longly i remain pale, i mean, there's no way to get a little bit tanned driving the car, walking the street, really no way, i'm pale as in winter, my skin seems to refuse sunbeans :lol:
but then if i'm forced to stay a lot of hours under the sun, for example if I go to a concert during summer, well i get burned, no matter how much sun protection-cream i wear, i've tried the strongest ones, which are 50 plus, and i get red the same :yuk:

i've understod only these words from what the interviewer said in her first question: känner, drottningen, mycket, eventuella brollop, om hon ska gifta sig, hur, varit :cry::cry::cry: :cry: :cry:
but i was able to notice that the queen doesn't have that fluent and melodic tone as a native swede.
Why did I not think of checking youtube...? :rolleyes:
I seriously believe that you will always be able to distinguish a native speaker from someone who learned Swedish later in life, no matter how long that someone has been living in S. It's just too damn hard. But I see where you are coming from. It probably shouldn't sound that bad. After having heard her on that video it's obvious even to me what you were talking about.
Naturally, I don't find it as horrible as you do though :p (You should have witnessed just 5 min of a conversation course I have been to. There were ppl who had been learning/talking Swedish for 20 yrs or so.....and I can tell you that even my ears bled :D )

Thus my (not so new) theory: Swedes don't aim to be polite when they are switching to English, they simply don't want to suffer from hearing their language being disparaged.
Well, frankly, you can always tell a non-native speaker in any language, particularly if they've learned the language later in life. And if Swedes don't want their "precious" language "defiled," then they're just going to have to find a place to hide or get used to immigrants and non-native speakers. Often times on the phone, I think it's probably just more of an issue of impatience. They want things to move faster and if you're stumbling over words or something, they just think it'll be easier for all involved.

In defense of Silvia, how much Swedish do you think she actually speaks? Probably not a shit ton.. Plus, did she learn it later in life? That probably doesn't help, particularly if she's not terribly stoked about the language at all. Does the king know German? He probably does given that men of his age were regularly learning German for educational purposes. I wouldn't be surprised if they spoke German or English to each other.

Several people have commented that they think it's a shame that my girlfriend and I don't speak that much Swedish to each other. Firstly, I think a lot of those relationships are inertia, that is to say, that we tend to continue doing what we did before with said person. When I met Kim, she and I really couldn't have communicated in Swedish. Of course, I got better, but we'd already been living with each other for nearly a year by the time I was getting to the point where I could go out and really socialize in Swedish without it being a constant onslaught of "Vad sa du?" Could you operate in a relationship with a person you couldn't communicate with? Sure, now we speak a lot more Swedish to each other. Yesterday we spoke mostly Swedish to each other, but some days that's not the case. And often times in emotional conversations and very deep and serious conversations we operate in English because that's the language we got to know each other in.

On the other hand, I am very insistent when we hang out with her friends and stuff that we operate in Swedish. I refuse to speak English with anyone who isn't her. But in more intimate situations, we operate in English because that's a thread that's run through our relationship. You don't have to buy it, but I think you'd find that you do the same things if you were ever in the kind of relationship we're in.

Shit, even my sister, who's lived in the Netherlands for 12 years, is totally fluent in Dutch, has two children who operate in Dutch with her, teaches the damn language and is mistaken for fluent like 99% of the time still speaks in English with her husband because they met in college when he was on exchange in the States. I think that's just how it goes.

My honest hope is that we'll reach a point where it's entirely natural to operate in either language. And it's better now than it was before, we can joke and talk normally.. but it still doesn't feel as natural as English. And, that's what she says about it, too. So don't think that it's that my Swedish sucks bad enough that she just doesn't want to hear her language "disparaged" or that somehow I insist on speaking English with her, because I don't. We just operate in a comfort zone.

Lefay82 said:
i've understod only these words from what the interviewer said in her first question: känner, drottningen, mycket, eventuella brollop, om hon ska gifta sig, hur, varit
but i was able to notice that the queen doesn't have that fluent and melodic tone as a native swede.
The melody is hard to imitate for those not born with it and it feels so ridiculous when I do it.. like, it's super exaggerated.

Also, the hardest part of the language, contrary to what I said earlier, is understand Swedes when they get going. So many words get sucked into other words. It becomes difficult to differentiate what people are saying.
The melody is hard to imitate for those not born with it and it feels so ridiculous when I do it.. like, it's super exaggerated.

Also, the hardest part of the language, contrary to what I said earlier, is understand Swedes when they get going. So many words get sucked into other words. It becomes difficult to differentiate what people are saying.

i've noticed it mostly with shot words (well not that i've ever been to sweden, but watching some video like this on youtube).
for example subjects always melt with the " vara" verb, or in general all those monosillabic words they have combined toghether.
it's easier for me to recognise longer words, which are mostly substantives.

i don't know if it was posted before, but this is kinda funny, svensk för nyböriare (swedish for beginners), i laughted so much the first time i saw it, now it's a quite old video (shit i don't find the whole video, just a part)

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Have you seen Pentagon? Awesome stuff.
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Haha yeah Pentagon, Anders Och Måns and Killinggänget are the best comedy groups, along with Varan-tv.
What tag do you use to post your youtube videos? I just used the standard [youtube] tag, but I don't get that wonderful frame.

Haha, Anders och Måns are really funny. I love their top 3 lists, too. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised with the style of humor of these different gangs. Especially the dude who plays Pelle on Nile City. He is seriously, seriously funny.

Nile City is pretty classic. First thing Kim showed me when we started dating.. "Vuxna män gör saker tillsammans..." :lol:
well, also all the southern types aren't the same. i'm 100% italian, at least for the generations i know, my father was italian, his father too, his granfather also. but i'm not the typical italian, and nearly all the relatives from my father's part are blonde, blue eyed and pale skinned.
my mother is italian too, she had light brown hair (now she dyes) and has green eyes.
you have to consider also the history of your country, celts and germanic people came here in the past. i've done some researches about my surname and i got two answers: the first says it's a germanic surname (but i'm quite sceptical about that) , the second that comes from a certain area of the north of italy called Lombardia, which takes its name from the germanic tribe Lombards (and this is the more realistic option)...so maybe some feature have survived through centuries into the italic population...
i do have a BIG problem with the sun. if i don't stay under the sun longly i remain pale, i mean, there's no way to get a little bit tanned driving the car, walking the street, really no way, i'm pale as in winter, my skin seems to refuse sunbeans :lol:
but then if i'm forced to stay a lot of hours under the sun, for example if I go to a concert during summer, well i get burned, no matter how much sun protection-cream i wear, i've tried the strongest ones, which are 50 plus, and i get red the same :yuk:

Yeah - also the history of the USA and mixed genetics.

My grandma was half Norwegian, half Italian. And, I swear on her grave, she was a spitting image of Asgeir Mickelson - dark hair, even darker squinty eyes, jowly face, olive skin. So, I guess she had the stereotypical 'Italian' look - with Norwegian thrown in for good measure. (Now, keep in mind, I have no idea what his ethnicity is. But OMG they totally have the same eyes.) You touched her lefse, you could hear the screaming down the block. Grandpa, being Irish, had auburn hair and blue eyes, and skin that burned.

All of the kids looked differently. One aunt and the only uncle look exactly like her. One aunt has black hair and green eyes. Mom got the auburn hair and dark blue eyes. And olive skin.

She hooks up with someone with blond hair, blue eyes, and the palest skin imaginable - and I come out :lol:

Sorry about your burls - I should send you my suntan lotion. I buy a big tube - and then only use it a couple times a year! I can burn, but it has to be a concentrated effort of many hours outside. But, I did get burned once this year.
Maybe their English was so bad they thought they gave you the correct direction? :p Perhaps they mixed up left and right :D

No, she was talking in German, and I know the difference between
rechts und links :rolleyes: . Schlampfe.

In the end I got there anyhow, it was an amazing experience, since I really love all the Darkwave/Gothic subculture/music :Spin: .

Just to show that all us Nordic types aren't the same...I'm roughly 1/2 Norwegian. I'm also a mix of English, Irish, Pennsylvania Dutch, and Italian. Consequently, I have auburn hair, bluish-grey eyes...and olive skin. Very pale, yet olive nonetheless.

All the sun has to do is *glance* at me, and I'm instantly tan!

Well, just like most people of the US, you really are a bunch of everything :rolleyes: . Teh melting pot!
No, she was talking in German, and I know the difference between
rechts und links :rolleyes: . Schlampfe.

"Schlampe", ohne "f" ;)

Maybe she had problems seperating left and right. A lot of women do.

Pentagon seems fun and they speak quite slow and clear so it's a good hearing practice =)