Least Favourite Opeth Track


Feb 13, 2006

Dont kill me... just give an answer and a reason. Im not asking for which one you 'hate' for all of you aspiring jackasses out there looking forward to proudly post 'I LIKE THEM ALL', just which isnt quite up to the scratch as the others.


The Grand Conjuration, Beneath The Mire, Masters Apprentices
I have a mate who thinks "Dirge for November" is total rubbish. There hasn't been nay i really didn't like upon first hearing them, i get bored when i listen to the same song for too long though. Any song i've listened to too much in the space of a very short time becomes my least favourite.
Weakness --> total beredom for me
Hours Of Wealth --> easily the weakest track on GR. the part with Mike singing to the keys is really annoying
Face Of Melinda --> the weakest track on SL. the forced rhymes suck and Mikes clean voice sounds a bit too gay for my taste

+ some other tracks which are not that exciting for me:
White Cluster, For Absent Friends, Still Day Beneath The Sun, Atonement, The Leper Affinity, Bleak and the half of Damnation...

these are just my opinions, so nobody should feel offended.
lol I honestly can't think of one. really. As soon as I'm about to name one, I can't justify it. best I can do is say Demon because its so overplayed.
The Grand Conjuration easily
Reverie/Harlequin Forest
In My Time Of Need
Hours of Wealth

I think I like all the other songs except those
hands down: The Grand Conjuration

I wasn't fond of Weakness until I was lying half-asleep in bed one night and it came on. It's almost mesmerizing...
Benighted doesn't do that much for me. it's a nice mellow song though...
oh, and BTPISIO isn't that great either, I really don't like the "outside in the park" part.
Wow, surprised at how many people mention Grand Conjuration.

Credence too, that's my fave mellow track. :OMG:

I would have to go with:
Hypnos said:
my favourite Opeth song by far

my favourite mellow Opeth song

strange, that you dislike these two brilliant masterpieces...

Actually I like Credence a bit. But the vocal performance is just plain horrible and it ruins the whole song. "You speak to me through the shadows" makes me cringe (hope that's the proper word) every time.

Karma has some good moments as well, for example the part from 1.00 on is fine. But the intro is silly and the last riff is just ridiculous. Come on, that should be death metal, not some sort of soundtrack for teletubbies.
Karma is the reason MA,YH is my least favourite of their albums, I thought I didn't get the album and thats why I don't listen to it much, but the other day going through track by track Karma was the only song I didn't enjoy, and there isn't really a reason either. I just don't enjoy that song as much as their other material, and I don't know why.
Powers said:
Soundtrack to the Teletubbies? Explain please?

I mean that death metal music should be heavy, brutal, evil, emotional etc. But never happy.
Check out the riff from 6.38 to 7.40 in Karma. It could perfectly be stolen from a Village People song. Or a Teletubbies song.
The same can be said about the first riff in Karma.
Just not my cup of tea.
@=NoBigDeal=@ said:
Actually I like Credence a bit. But the vocal performance is just plain horrible and it ruins the whole song. "You speak to me through the shadows" makes me cringe (hope that's the proper word) every time.
thats interesting, cause i love that particular part of 'Credence' and prefer the clean vocal performance on this song to any other of Mikes clean vocals. he's surely technically better now but MAYH and esp. 'Credence' had the biggest emotional impact on me.

vampyrouss said:
Karma is the reason MA,YH is my least favourite of their albums...
now we see how tastes differ, because Karma is the biggest reason why MAYH is by far my favourite Opeth album. alone the part with: 'I have gone away, the bed is cold and empty...' is pure brilliance...