Least Favourite Opeth Track

This is easy for me...

The Grand Conjuration.

Karma last riff ridiculous? That riff is killer man, killer!
Easy... the "bonus" tracks, Into The Frost of Winter and Eternal Soul Torture. Those were never meant to fall upon human ears.
Ok, its official, everyone in the opeth forum is going to hate me after this: I do not like the song ADVENT.....I DONT KNOW WHY PEOPLE LIKE IT!!!! its boring! it pains me to listen to the whole thing through.
Oddly enough Weakness happens to be one of my favorite Opeth songs, very beautiful song. The grand conjuration is easily their worst song, in fact, the only bad one.
Kenneth R. said:
lol I honestly can't think of one. really. As soon as I'm about to name one, I can't justify it. best I can do is say Demon because its so overplayed.

The Grand conjuration because its so drawn out that it just gets a bit repetitive & boring..

I've heard it's better live though so I might change my opinion after I see them in April
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I really like The Grand Conjuration.


And Karma is my favorite off of MAYH.

My LEAST FAVORITE (That's fucking disrespectful to call it their worst.) song by Opeth is Bleak.

Second is Weakness.

Shit really? I think Bleak is amazing.
What don't you like about it?
Wreath is the only song i couldn't get into.

that and like someone else said 'into the frost of winter' but that doesnt count :lol:
My least favorite song is Hours Of Wealth. I have never had a problem with Mike's singing until listening to this song...

The music in the song is great as usual, but I don't like the vocals much... they are quite pathetic, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, Mikael's voice is fine in that song, but the way he uses it is lame. :yuk:

Also, it's not that I completely dislike it, because I like all material by Opeth.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Hah, what I don't like about it is... too many people like it, really.

I love that song. That's how much I like Opeth, that I even love my least favorite song.

Thats just as bad as liking something because everyone else does.
Not liking something because everyone else does is pretty childish. Just like what you like, who cares if 1 person or a million people like it!!
Benighted1 said:
Not liking something because everyone else does is pretty childish. Just like what you like, who cares if 1 person or a million people like it!!

Not really.. some people abhor cliche.