Least Favourite Opeth Track

It's interesting how people's opinions differ- a lot of people here have mentioned my favourite songs, and apparently some people don't like steven's work with Opeth... I think he was just what they needed. A lot of people seem to get offended (not saying just on these forums) if someone doesn't like something that they do.

Though, I can understand how people can have a grudge against people that got in to Opeth via grand conjuration... (apart from it being my least favourite song). I don't think it's a fair representation of Opeth's work, or even the new album. I've met people that are like "Oh yeah, Opeth... they're pretty crap but The Conjuration Rules!!!!!!!" That gets to me.

Apart from TGC I don't really have a least favourite, just certain songs that don't grab me as much as others.
I'll add Master's Apprentices.
From the first riff, I thought it was too generic. The lyrics are quite basic too.
Then BTPISIO kicked in :headbang: .
FuneralPortrait said:
It's interesting how people's opinions differ- a lot of people here have mentioned my favourite songs, and apparently some people don't like steven's work with Opeth... I think he was just what they needed.

I've only recently found myself being annoyed at hearing Steven Wilson on some tracks. Now that Mikael has improved his singing, it seems odd to hear someone else doing what he could probably do now. But these are only mere moments. Otherwise, I tend to like it all...
I know what you mean, but then again Mikaels vocals on the studio albums since Steven Wilsons involvement have been auto-tuned. Maybe not much but it's there.
soundave said:
I've only recently found myself being annoyed at hearing Steven Wilson on some tracks. Now that Mikael has improved his singing, it seems odd to hear someone else doing what he could probably do now. But these are only mere moments. Otherwise, I tend to like it all...
mikael's voice has hardly improved since blackwater park, maybe even not at all... what are you basing this on?
BANNEDadrian said:
mikael's voice has hardly improved since blackwater park, maybe even not at all... what are you basing this on?

Are you kidding me? I'm basing it on Ghost Reveries: GOP, HOW, IY...

Perhaps the vocals have been tweaked on the album, but that doesn't explain how, for example, White Cluster sounded better live than on Still Life.

Now, this doesn't address Adrian's issue, of course, since that's pre BWP. I guess, Adrian, that I feel like he's stretched his range so that he sounds less thin in his higher register, and that he's better able to hold pitches without wavering. That isn't all accomplished through vocal processing. But that's just my opinion. You don't have to agree. Steven Wilson's vocals seem to me to be sort of superfluous in Opeth now, that's all.
I remember Adrian from before you joined, actually, Tubbs. I remember the thread that got him banned, too. (I'm wondering how long he'll last this time...) Anyhow, I've been finding myself agreeing with him as of late. Very weird. And he asks a legitimate question. I answered as best I could.
soundave said:
I remember Adrian from before you joined, actually, Tubbs. I remember the thread that got him banned, too. (I'm wondering how long he'll last this time...) Anyhow, I've been finding myself agreeing with him as of late. Very weird. And he asks a legitimate question. I answered as best I could.
this board needs a high-five smiley
here are some others that I would rank at the bottom of my list:
Dirge For November- I really do love the beginning of this song, and the melody when it gets heavy at first, but the middle heavy part is kind of boring and the end (however pretty it is) goes on for too long.
Serenity Painted Death- Don't get me wrong, the chorus is amazing, but overall it feels very... disjointed. Obviously an essential piece of Still Life's puzzle, but I just don't think it compares to any of the other long songs on the album.
Credence- As a song, overall, it's just kind of mediocre. I like some of Mikael's vocals in it, and the atmosphere, but really it's nothing amazing.
The Funeral Portrait- A very solid song, and I love the solos, but not one of their very best
By the Pain I See in Others- has some kickass heavy parts but also has a kind of pointless aura to it
I don't like most of Ghost Reveries, it just doesn't sound like true opeth to me. Weakness is also bloody boring to listen to.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Okay, it's time to shut the hell up now. At first I thought you were cool and all asking me why instead of telling me I'm stupid for it, and then you said this crap. Damn you, damn you, damn you to hell.

You fail miserably.

Just kidding. Kind of.

Well thats because I assumed you would have a remotely intelligent reason but sadly you did not...
I was kidding you silly goose. I thought I mentioned that.

(By the way, the reason I don't have an intelligent reason is because I'm lazy, and only because I'm lazy. I hate thinking too hard about something that I don't care about.)
Least Favorite... probably Weakness, and the two cover songs they did that are on the bonus tracks of My Arms, Your Hearse (simply because I prefer songs written by them).