Least Favourite Opeth Track

Mikael said that BTPISIO should've been more planned out and that they rushed that song especially, but it does have some moments. I enjoy the opening riff when the drums kick in and the clean singing parts are gloomy and subtle, but as a whole I too feel like this song is a failure.
affinityband said:
what are you on about? Most people have always and still do like TNASW. BTPISIO still has a select crowd and always has done.
You know what I am talking about. 6 months ago everyone hated TNATSW, now it's a favorite.
...most likely do to Mikael's biography on Opeth.com.

imo, Opeth's only "failure" was Credence, but I wouldn't through that word around willy nilly.
I would say Harvest. It took me years to like that song, so it's probably my least favorite.

BTPISIO is one of my fav's so go figure
Braighs said:
You know what I am talking about. 6 months ago everyone hated TNATSW, now it's a favorite.
...most likely do to Mikael's biography on Opeth.com.

imo, Opeth's only "failure" was Credence, but I wouldn't through that word around willy nilly.

Ive never really heard dislike for the night and silent water by fans...
The Grand Conjuration - I really don't like it, it was simple, uninteresting and commercial in a sense that I could of expected it to come from countless of shitty metal bands with its predicable dynamics and dejavu riffage.
affinityband said:
because it has some pretty good riffs even tho the structure is appalling. If they had saved some of those riffs for another song that couldve maybe put a lil more time into... it could be good.

I like the whole flow of the song, i don't think it sounds disjointed or anything...but yeah i get what you mean, i feel the same about Wreath, i get the impression that it would sound better live.
The only thing that makes Wreath even remotely interesting is that awesome solo. Otherwise it comes across as a kind of cut-and-paste job.

My least favourite is probably "Death Whispered a Lullaby".
For starters i would have to say the Grand Conjuration. Just sounds kind of adolecsent, it has it's moments can't deny them that but overall not very great. However it does make a terrific live song. I also never really like the Leper Affinity, especially that first clean vocal part..I don't know, just sounds kind of gay. But there's some really good segments through out that song. Especially the ending.