life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
Sometimes I feel similar to Erik, that my life is rather going nowhere, and that I'm not making the most of it, that I feel . For the most part, despite the fact that I have very little social life, and the fact that I don't really care for most people I meet in the college or elsewhere (therefore not really easily able to make new friends) I do feel sometimes quite dissatisfied with my life.

That, and I'm studying something that, while I'm enjoying it immensely, is regarded as quite "useless" (A respectable thing to study of course, but ultimately not much more than that).

However, my life is quite stable. I get good grades, and I'm not terribly in danger of bankrupting myself if I buy a couple of CDs every now and then, I suppose that's what is reasonably decent.

For the last couple years this time, near the end of January, it seems to be the time that I was always starting to freak out about one thing or another... maybe it's the effect of the long winter on my stressed noggin. I'm doing fine right now however, maybe all the Evola (and particularly Ride the Tiger) I read over the summer helped steel myself towards this sort of stuff.



hooray for situational nihilism.
at least you're doing what you're supposed to in school... at least you're doing SOMETHING other than fucking around on the internet (reading shit!)... from what i know, i wouldn't say you have it worse than anyone else. don't take this the wrong way, i'm fully aware that my situation is self inflicted and i'm not looking for pity
Erik said:
at least you're doing what you're supposed to in school... at least you're doing SOMETHING other than fucking around on the internet (reading shit!)... from what i know, i wouldn't say you have it worse than anyone else. don't take this the wrong way, i'm fully aware that my situation is self inflicted and i'm not looking for pity

Nah I didn't mean to imply that I'm just as, or more worse off than you, I recognize that you are, in fact, worse off, from your description anyway, and you are right in what you said, at your state you should get some help....

But I do understand what you mean. About one-and-a-half to two years ago I got kicked out the Faculty of Engineering over at the University and I took some time out to re-evaluate my life and what I wanted from it. It was difficult... and also difficult coming to grips that I wasted a year of my life doing something that (as it turns out) I hated, (despite the fact I kept trying to assure myself that it was what I really wanted...) It was only quite recently that I've been feeling better about things

In my situation, I'm saying that I still need to improve on my social life, I still spend quite a few hours in front of the computer which I think are wholly unnecessary, but seeing that the rest of my life right now is rather stable, I think I can afford to waste time on the internet, even if I do fuck around on the internet a lot more than I should.

I doubt any of this I'm saying is actually helpful, but maybe it will be. Good luck with finding a therapist and getting things back in order. I hope it all goes well. :)
I drove out to LA to see USA v. Norway (futbol) and first went to a bar called THE OFFICE and it was a total shitbird place with old men without teeth but they made me a "homemade burrito" which consisted of ground beef, plastic cheese, and some Whiteboy Brand Canned Chilis but it satisfied my hunger and went well with the Coronitas I was drinking.

Good day.

edit: Nate. Fucking cool man. I mean, the outcome. Not the leading up to. But yeah, awesome.
rik, man, I totally feel where you're coming from. My year of college in SoCal was pretty much shit, I got along with my roommate and like four other people and the rest were cocks, and the weather made me want to shoot myself. I ended up spending the vast majority of my time drinking, getting high, and playing World of Warcraft, and dropped out to go to a community college. Oddly enough, it worked out rather well–I met my girlfriend (well, ex-girlfriend now, but we had a good run) thanks to WoW connections (friend of an e-friend kinda thing), and have a couple places around the country to settle in and get my shit together if I decide to pull up stakes in SF. I've still got a lotta shit to work out, but I'm much happier than I would be had I stayed at the university.

So what I'm getting at is that doing things the "4 years of college straight to grad school or a real job" way is kinda bullshitty and not worth sacrificing your emotional health. Going for help's a good step, but if you try that and shit doesn't improve, pull up stakes, fuck off a couple more years with part-time school/jobs, earn money and get your act together. Make sure what you're doing IS what you wanna do. Soul for education is a bad trade.

And thus is my fucking nineteen years of wisdom imparted. lawl.
Oh, and my life's alright. Shitty job, fun hobbies, some cool courses this semester. The only thing missing is some real close friends nearby, cause all my good friends either went out of state or turned into boring stoners/emo poseurs, but I'm meeting new and interesting people at school, and laying the groundwork to get out of the city for a few years. Maybe Seattle.
Yeah that was my first soccer game ever, and the US just marched all over Norway. Probably 90% of the game took place on one half of the field.

But anyhow, I've always been on the fence between love and hate toward soccer, and now I'm going to be starting up a league team with some friends so I guess I'm converted. :tickled:
s'alright. was better before i got slammed by my mortgage company. assholes. but we'll make it like we always do.

key to getting by in life: Always knowing someone out there has it worse than you do.
Listen to Nate about the excerise thing, it really helps keep the blood flowing to the brain or something, but i know that when I'm in a workout routine I rarely get depressed.
It's because regular exercise makes your dick bigger, and that's one of those universal "life is good" type things.
lizard said:
Gawd is this the truth
seriously. when I've had a bad day at work, I think how awful it was when i actually DIDN'T even have a job and how all the unemployed people would kill to have my job (or any).

and when i'm bitching or worrying about my mortgage company, it makes me think of all the enron people who actually lost their homes and belongings.

when i think about life in comparisons, i've got it good right now.
Dude I've been juicing the past couple days. Holy hell do I feel good.

Now by juicing I don't mean dropping D-bol. No, I'm blasting away fruits and veggies. Had a celery, beet, spinach, orange, carrot 16 oz ball blaster. 2 hours after that I excersised and I had more energy than Tila Tequila in the Pittsburgh Steelers lockeroom. 3 hours after that I had the best glass of pure O.J my lips have ever touched. And for dessert that day I swallowed down a stalk of celery. Shit was magnificent. I did it all for me olive oil.

Moral of the story. Not only excersise, but some proper nutritional habits will give you wings.
J. said:
seriously. when I've had a bad day at work, I think how awful it was when i actually DIDN'T even have a job and how all the unemployed people would kill to have my job (or any).

and when i'm bitching or worrying about my mortgage company, it makes me think of all the enron people who actually lost their homes and belongings.

when i think about life in comparisons, i've got it good right now.

I know what you mean. watching COPS always used to cheer me up, fa sure.