life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
hey, ive got my health, a beautiful wife, a tolerable job, my family is healthy, ive got flawless musical tastes, im paying bills off or down, im good looking, going on vacation in september, and still have time to shoot for my goals.

could always be better, but ill take it
dude when i was writing that i was soooooo thinking of that picture :lol:

EDIT: the hair is way shorter and spiky now
After examining what I have believed and finding out what a crock of shit it is, I feel I have lost my raison d'être. I have no woman, been refused of employment everywhere, too poor to travel on my own (not that I'm particularly fond of the idear of wondering in foreign lands by my lonesome), can't bloody write music anymore, have tendonitis from playing viola so damn much this past year, no woman, no goals I am set on for more than a week, no woman.....

But, I still do enjoy play my guitar (despite being in a rut) and my pipe, so I'm OK. And, I'm going to the mountains next week :kickass:
I know no one is going to read this with interest--- It's just good to vent, and this is an opportunity.

I voted okay, because although I like my job and my relationship with my family is great right now, especially with my father and his fiancee, I am still badly hurt by what has happened to me in the last 6 months. It's taking me a very long time to heal, and I know this is just the beginning, because I'm still fighting it. Other than what happened to me after Sicily, I should be a damn happy girl right now.

So it sucks because I will sometimes forget and be happy with my life and then i'll remember and it's like a slap in the face, every time.

And my relationship with my boyfriend is constantly up and down. But I guess it's always been like that.
Susperia said:
That's the thing, I didn't really bring it up!
"oh it's fine... except for that one... terrible... thing... that happened..."

looks to me like you did miss

not bringing it up would be more like "oh it's fine... i mean i guess some things could be better"