life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
Reign in Acai said:
Moral of the story. Not only excersise, but some proper nutritional habits will give you wings.

Preach on. I've laid off of a lot of fried foods and after some serious bowel movements (my innards needed to adjust), my body is feeling a whole lot better.

Also, laying off a lot of the sodas and instead drinking tea and cranapple and grape juice helps me.
I was gonna right "shit" but really its pretty damn good, just boring and same-y. Which is far from being shitty and all that. Time for another adventure methinks.
Diet + Excercise = winnars for feeling better. I can't wait to get away from my current place of residence. The food is shite. Not to mention the rest of the problems with the place (family politics/backstabbing)
lizard said:
NAD, working out doesn't include the Ronco Penis Stretcher

Seriously though, when I'm in good shape, it goes another inch (bringing the total up to 3). Due to the increased bloodflow apparently.
NADatar said:
But anyhow, I've always been on the fence between love and hate toward soccer, and now I'm going to be starting up a league team with some friends so I guess I'm converted. :tickled:
Good time to get into it with world cup coming in june :Spin: Only bad thing for me is italy and u.s are in the same group (both teams i root for) but i know italy should get through, hopefully u.s can too.
NADatar said:

Seriously though, when I'm in good shape, it goes another inch (bringing the total up to 3). Due to the increased bloodflow apparently.

I better stop exercising, before I like, scare the ladies and stuff.
The most kvlt veggie is a fucking beet. My hands were blood red after handling one of these bad boys.

Their appearance would also scare away a field of crows.

cranberry/cranapple is awesome. that stuff clears out the innards so freakin' fast. anyone scared of kidney stones or kdney problems just needs to drink a big bottle and you'll be empty and feeling good in no time.
Reign in Acai said:
The most kvlt veggie is a fucking beet. My hands were blood red after handling one of these bad boys.

Their appearance would also scare away a field of crows.


I've found it to be more of a purple myself.
When life is crap I'll be driving through the barrio with a chip on my shoulder.

<Sees cholo>

"Dirty fucking mexican", I say to myself.

When life is grand...

<Sees Cholo>

"Hey he's a human being just like me", I say to myself.

Nothing in particular is responsible for my new found love of life. It could be from me being a hermit and minimizing relations with most of my friends. Yea that could be it. But nothing else in particular has changed this week. Other than the sun glistening on the dampened pathways in which I tread. Oh fucking hallelujahhhhhhhhhhh. Life is Grand!!!!
i knew this thread would make a return
lol, i never saw the beet posts the first time around. good stuff!

special tip to avoid decreases in life quality: dont move somewhere that you have to join an HOA. there are always assholes who break rules and cause you suffering. why do so many adults act like children?