life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
I wanna know what happened to Susperia! Teeeell me, pleeeaaassseee!

(I'm pretty good at lending an ear, and I've never said anything but positive things about you...)

Oh yeah, life sucks, by the way.
Crimson Velvet said:
Oh yeah, life sucks, by the way.

I'm on this train right now. Relationship fell to shit, my studies are feeling completely directionless, and my job is going to get a lot worse this week with having a new boss who's a total wankstain. All I've got keeping me moving forward right now is a trip to my hometown in August and the prospect of furthering my web design skills. That, and good friends.

Wah, wah. Bring on next year :kickass:
...actually mostly great...moved in a 140m2 flat...job is hopefully producing my 1st publication...going to PartySan...playing with Dornenreich...but my daughter is sleeping bad...Anyway she is healthy...If I compared it with so many other people in the world I have so much stuff and´s unfair...somehow...
lizard said:
I'm puzzled as well.

For me, it was her initial pretentiousness followed by "I'm a woman and we need to pour out all our problems and have someone to talk to and listen and be a shoulder and blah, blah, blah." I just find the whole act a bit condescending. Every single damn one of us (myself included) can write out long winded posts about how we've been betrayed by friends, been lonely at times, have been down and out and would love to have answers to difficult questions that have affected our life in a negative way.

We ALL have had the same issues in various forms throughout or lives (male or female), but trying to find some type of cathartic release by pouring out a large, detailed portion of your specific problems on a public message board (let alone one that you haven't even been around much before) just seems even more sad to me. Talk to family, talk to friends that you do have, hell, even send someone you're close to on a message board a private email about it if you really need to talk these things out. Otherwise, you're much more apt to find empathy around these parts if you talk about these things in a more general way, instead of acting like your personal problems are somehow worthy of more attention than anyone else's.
lizard said:
I think the deal is, sometimes the anonymity of a message board is sometimes safer than baring your soul face to face.

I'm not sure what that means if you're trying to fill a need to really talk about your personal problems. Why would the anonymity of a public message board be a safer place to try and discuss and find some empathy about long standing personal issues? As you can see, a large majority weren't ready for such a personal, detailed set of problems.

lizard said:
ref Susperia, I must have missed what you're talking about

It's basically the self-centered way she presents herself in general. Stop being so needy, stop being so "I don't have to go out and party, I like to take hikes, see how much more evolved I am than the average person? My problems are more important." At least that's the way it comes across.

Learn to let things go, stop trying to email and call someone repeatedly who obviously needs space from you. Just worry about what you can do to make your own life better instead of continuing to harp on what made it bad in the past and I guarantee you things will fall into place. Simply putting yourself in a happier place in your present life is so much more cathartic than endlessly trying to seek answers to questions that you just need to let go. Always, always, always look to yourself to make your world better. Once you do that, I guarantee the pain of the past won't seem as important anymore.
Dark One said:
I'm not sure what that means if you're trying to fill a need to really talk about your personal problems. Why would the anonymity of a public message board be a safer place to try and discuss and find some empathy about long standing personal issues? As you can see, a large majority weren't ready for such a personal, detailed set of problems.
some people find it too difficult to lay bare their throat, as it were, by revealing deeply personal info about themselves to people they know personally.

hmmmm does that make sense...I know what I'm trying to say, just having trouble articulating.

some people can unburden themselves on a message board because if they take shit or abuse they can just stay away, as opposed to, if they reveal their vulnerabilities to "real" people they may feel they lose something in status or show weakness ~ and some people would rather die than do that.

I know this because I was raised by my uber-military father that a man NEVER shows weakness: one would be better off self-amputating one's arm than ask for a bandaid for a papercut.

I know it's dysfunctional, but there it is.