How's the post office? Was reading about rural delivery the other day. What's the end game with the postal route position wise?
The post office SUCKS!
busy as fuck and it's fucking August
Earlier last week I was just on packages. Had to deliver 300 lbs of cat litter to one house.
People order dog food constantly.
After you finish your route you have to go help the people that are behind.
Yesterday the new guy was on the smallest route. He was still at the beginning at 5pm.
None of his small packages were in order. He just threw them in tubs. "bro, that's why you're going so fucking slow!!!!"
None of his mail was rubberbanded. Instead he would have stuff facing forward, backward, forward, backward.
The trucks are fucking awful!
Without overtime the pay is meh
Supervisors are dumb as fuck
random ass days off
put in for days off a month ahead, it gets denied
Don't get to hangout with my wife.
Don't get to handout with bros.
I have 46.3 miles on my bikes this year...
I'm trying to get on at the state. Give me Monday-Friday again!