love at first sight

What about the kind of person who passes a pet shop and sees a cute fluffy kitten and says "Oh what a cute kitten! I absolutely love it! I've got to take it home!"
That's love at first sight and it isn't necessary to get to know the kitten better to reach this stage.
Someone might fall in love with someone in this silly fluffy kitten way, which feels really intense to certain sentimental people. They would call it love at first sight, rather than a feeling of sexual lust which is much more common.

LRD is right about pheramones being important, but you can't smell that at a distance or in a crowded bar. That could only affect someone when things get more intimate.
speed said:
Boy we have alot of love threads around here! I feel like I am in a beauty salon.

I guess it just goes to show you men aren't all that different from women ;)

The first time I saw my boyfriend was different from the first time I saw anyone else I was ever attracted to at first glance. I just stopped dead in my tracks and stared at him for minutes straight until my friend forced me to move on. I don't know if it was love at first sight, but it was something strange...
Norsemaiden said:
What about the kind of person who passes a pet shop and sees a cute fluffy kitten and says "Oh what a cute kitten! I absolutely love it! I've got to take it home!"
That's love at first sight and it isn't necessary to get to know the kitten better to reach this stage.
Someone might fall in love with someone in this silly fluffy kitten way, which feels really intense to certain sentimental people. They would call it love at first sight, rather than a feeling of sexual lust which is much more common.

LRD is right about pheramones being important, but you can't smell that at a distance or in a crowded bar. That could only affect someone when things get more intimate.
this is different. You cannot visualize a lifetime relationship with a kitten the way you can with a human being. you don't consider it the same way, (at least if you are sane). Also, since cats can't talk, we have no way of knowing how the cat feels. With humans, as some have said, it is a two part equation.
Love (as folks generally seem to comprehend it) seems unlikely to develop at first sight. It's more penetrating and bonding than a simple superficial glance.
Kenneth R. said:
Also, since cats can't talk, we have no way of knowing how the cat feels.

Not true. Anyone who has developed any sort of healthy relationship with an animal can see they show affection in many different ways.
I think it is possible to develop a love for an animal, although no matter how expressive an animal is it still cannot talk openly with you.
Final_Product said:
I think it is possible to develop a love for an animal, although no matter how expressive an animal is it still cannot talk openly with you.

That Grizzly man movie has been on the last few days, and this Treadwell guy, who was the Grizzly man, was in love with a number of the bears. Needless to say, the bears had an interesting way of showing their love in the end: they ate him and his wife.

However, I do think a number of lonely and socially inept people do love their pets, precisely due to the fact the pet really cant leave them, or reject them, or well, love them back. Of course many human relationships and supposed love affairs are also based on dependence not
As people have said, love develops over time. Attraction at first sight? Most definitely. Love? No. It's the same with the kittens, really. "Oh I'm in love with that kitten he is so cute" = attraction. You could then proceed to take it home and it's an utter bastard, refusing to be trained where to shit or what to eat, and fighting constantly with your dog. The same thing with humans, metaphorically of course! :loco:

when we think back on pets we have had and lost, we think of the memories spent together- not the initial moment of meeting. it is mere attraction, not containing the further significance associated with a legacy of trials and joys shared.
Susperia said:
I guess it just goes to show you men aren't all that different from women ;)

The first time I saw my boyfriend was different from the first time I saw anyone else I was ever attracted to at first glance. I just stopped dead in my tracks and stared at him for minutes straight until my friend forced me to move on. I don't know if it was love at first sight, but it was something strange...

I'm with you cutie. When I first met my husband, I didn't think he was cute at all. But after we talked for awhile, I became really attracted to him because I liked him as a person, and our commonalites were many.
Akirahito said:
I'm with you cutie. When I first met my husband, I didn't think he was cute at all. But after we talked for awhile, I became really attracted to him because I liked him as a person, and our commonalites were many.
Most relations begin like that
I've had a problem with that, there used to be in girl in my class who was a very good friend, but when I went to do an other study, she was the only one I trully missed, and I just realized I loved her when she was already gone, I wrote her, I e-mailed her, I even wrote poems for her. but she kept rejecting me. I feel still feel bad about how I pushed her, I think that's why she said no. But that was a year and a half ago, but I still miss her:cry: What I wouldn't give for her to love me
Any advise on this?
speed said:
That Grizzly man movie has been on the last few days, and this Treadwell guy, who was the Grizzly man, was in love with a number of the bears. Needless to say, the bears had an interesting way of showing their love in the end: they ate him and his wife.

However, I do think a number of lonely and socially inept people do love their pets, precisely due to the fact the pet really cant leave them, or reject them, or well, love them back. Of course many human relationships and supposed love affairs are also based on dependence not

Probably more likely that such people imagine a reciprocal relationship beyond usual pet behaviour.
Black Core said:
Most relations begin like that
I've had a problem with that, there used to be in girl in my class who was a very good friend, but when I went to do an other study, she was the only one I trully missed, and I just realized I loved her when she was already gone, I wrote her, I e-mailed her, I even wrote poems for her. but she kept rejecting me. I feel still feel bad about how I pushed her, I think that's why she said no. But that was a year and a half ago, but I still miss her:cry: What I wouldn't give for her to love me
Any advise on this?
yes i have advice for you but i'm busy right now i'll edit this post later
Black Core said:
Most relations begin like that
I've had a problem with that, there used to be in girl in my class who was a very good friend, but when I went to do an other study, she was the only one I trully missed, and I just realized I loved her when she was already gone, I wrote her, I e-mailed her, I even wrote poems for her. but she kept rejecting me. I feel still feel bad about how I pushed her, I think that's why she said no. But that was a year and a half ago, but I still miss her:cry: What I wouldn't give for her to love me
Any advise on this?

The heart generally follows it's own path. The key (I think!) is to be comfortable with oneself and know when it's best to leave it and live on.
Black Core said:
Most relations begin like that
I've had a problem with that, there used to be in girl in my class who was a very good friend, but when I went to do an other study, she was the only one I trully missed, and I just realized I loved her when she was already gone, I wrote her, I e-mailed her, I even wrote poems for her. but she kept rejecting me. I feel still feel bad about how I pushed her, I think that's why she said no. But that was a year and a half ago, but I still miss her:cry: What I wouldn't give for her to love me
Any advise on this?
well the first thing you have to do is figure out why she's acting the way she is and from what you say in this post there's really only 5 possible explinations

she experienced "love at first site" the second she saw you if this is the case then she's rejecting you now because she feels as if you have already rejected her and she's making you feel the pain she feels

she has no male siblings or is having problems with brother(s) and/or having problems with father and/or telling you things that she would never ever tell anyone else if this is the case then you're "the brother she never had" and the reason that she feels uncomfortable with you trying to "get with" her because for her the idea of fucking you feels like incest

she's not in love with you because she's in love with someone else

she's going through the phase of thinking the entire male gender is evil

more than one of the above
is this: you feel love at first site. or you both feel love at first site?

i've had where i just love someone at first site only once. sad thing is i was too shy at the time to talk to the girl. i just kept thinking that she was unnatainable, kind of like when you see a super hot model in a magazine and your attraction just drops because you know you can never have her.

but then again if it wasn't for me stealing so many glances at this girl throughout junior high i probably never would have passed school. 'cause i got beat up practically every day.

and even today, women come and go in my life. some relationships here and there, and the odd night stand. still, i think of her:Spin:
well the first thing you have to do is figure out why she's acting the way she is and from what you say in this post there's really only 5 possible explinations

she experienced "love at first site" the second she saw you if this is the case then she's rejecting you now because she feels as if you have already rejected her and she's making you feel the pain she feels

she has no male siblings or is having problems with brother(s) and/or having problems with father and/or telling you things that she would never ever tell anyone else if this is the case then you're "the brother she never had" and the reason that she feels uncomfortable with you trying to "get with" her because for her the idea of fucking you feels like incest

she's not in love with you because she's in love with someone else

she's going through the phase of thinking the entire male gender is evil

more than one of the above

It's not number 1, cuz she hates hurting other people

number 2 is a possibility cuz her parents are devorced, but she doesn't say anything about that, so no

4 not likely, she still has many male friends

5 don't think so

so that leaves number 3: could be so, So how do I react to that? I tried being romantic by writing her poems, but that didn't help so any other ideas?
Final_Product said:
The heart generally follows it's own path. The key (I think!) is to be comfortable with oneself and know when it's best to leave it and live on.
I tried to live on, but it's been over a year now, don't you think it means something then? Something like I'm sure I want to spend the rest of my life with her?